[Include] [INC] Zuc's Anti Money Hack

..:: ZAnti Money Hack ::..


This is a powerful Anticheat who detects if a player uses a MONEY CHEAT.
I've made it because I've realised that on my server sometimes cheaters
give a lot of money to my members (ZFK) to let them Auto-Kicked from my
Zadmin administration system.
well...This simple anticheat can detect if someone uses a money cheat
if it finds a money-cheater, it automatically KICKS him.

* put "ZAntiMoneyHack.inc" and "GiveZMoney.inc" in folder "pawno/include"
* write on your GM main file (the one in folder "gamemodes") "#include <ZAntiMoneyHack>"
* write on all the other FS enabled "#include <GiveZMoney>"
you MUST do this and replace all the codes "GivePlayerMoney" with "GiveZMoney", or
anticheat will kick you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Important!! report me in this topic if you find any bugs!

P.S: This anticheat will be included in next version of my Zadmin (administration system).

Pastebin link please?

Originally Posted by Ernis456
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I downloaded this only to check one bug, yes in this script is that bug. This script DOESN'T check player money when he disconnects, so cheat money and disconnect until timer checks your money.
I don't understand what you say. is that a real bug? have you been kicked?

it's not a problem. the anticheat detects every 2 seconda is someone is cheating (with money hack) and it checks only connected players. so...player money don't need to be resetted on Disconnect. just on Connect. it's enough. I've already put this anticheat on my server. it's enabled there since more than a week and it didn't have any problems.

Originally Posted by Ernis456
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Using this anti cheat in your server ? Check this: http://imageshack.us/f/337/samp037sx.png/ I have sad, in this script is one bug.
they are in the GM. not on this anticheat, dude! XD!

Another great script! Keep the good job Zuc, I really like your scripts!

Hmm.. seems good, even though there's pretty much of these already

Originally Posted by Ernis456
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I downloaded this only to check one bug, yes in this script is that bug. This script DOESN'T check player money when he disconnects, so cheat money and disconnect until timer checks your money.
Hm just manage player's money serverside, is simple.
No need timers, i don't understand why he used timers

new money[MAX_PLAYERS];
#define GivePlayerMoney(%0,%1) money[%0]+=%1, GivePlayerMoney(%0,%1)
Then when player connects reset money and in OnPlayerUpdate
if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) != money[playerid])
      //Do what happen if cheater detected

grazie della critica, ma evidentemente sei piщ avanti di me nello scripting, Phanto. non ho mai imparato a fare dei DEFINE come quello. in quel modo prosso far in modo che su tutti i "GivePlayerMoney" venga fatto altro come aggiungere i soldi anche a "Money"? spiegami, perchи se и cosм sto presto a cambiare e fare l'update e ovviamente ti ringrazio, perchи mi dai conoscenze in piщ XD!

ah comunque ho messo una sorta di ECCESSO sul controllo dei soldi e della variabile perchи gli stunt bonus ti arrivano anche se li disattivi col codice. quelli ti danno soldi e ti kickerebbero. ogni 10 secondi, per sicurezza aggiorno la variabile per evitare il kick errato.

Non credo che i moneyhack siano molto importanti, basta fare in modo che il player non possa gestire i soldi via client e sei a posto.
Se disattivi gli stunt bonus con la funzione apposita non ti arrivano i soldi (ovviamente gli stunt sono gestiti client-side, non ci puoi fare niente per quelli)
Comunque si, i #define sono solo direttive che sostituiscono nel codice qualcos'altro, и un sistema sostitutivo veloce niente di che, giusto per non far modificare la variabile money ogni volta.

L'antimoneyhack и qualcosa a livelli basilari, il piщ semplice sistema antihack che si puт fare insieme a un anticheat vita e armatura

Phanto...sto anti money hack lo ho fatto perchи nel mio server ho notato che ci sono sempre piщ cheaters stronzi che si danno un sacco di soldi e li danno a raffica agli altri col cmd per darli. in questo modo fanno kickare in automatico le loro vittime. ho voluto fare qualcosa di particolare per questo caso. tutto qui. XD

I think other languages are not allowed in the forum except the Other Languages section.

sorry, man. but he is Italian like me and in those messages I asked an information too. I wanted to be sure to let him understanding perfectly what I was asking him.



Usefull !

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