18.01.2012, 23:27
Последний раз редактировалось DiDok; 19.01.2012 в 12:58.
So I'm doing this simple execution time measuring:
And all I get is 0ms, 20ms or 40ms [ONLY THREE VALUES!], even at loaded server, so i did it the other way:
And I see that tick = tick2
What the hell is wrong with it? Also I remember that last time i used it it was working good but the times were always rounded to full 10s (10ms, 130ms 230ms etc)
Also using GetTickCount instead gives proper results (I think)
new tick = tickcount(); (....) printf("TIMER: MainTimer %i ms @ %i players", tickcount() - tick, Iter_Count(Player));
new tick = tickcount(); new tick2; (...) tick2 = tickcount(); printf("%i %i", tick, tick2); printf("TIMER: MainTimer %i ms @ %i players", tick2 - tick, Iter_Count(Player));
What the hell is wrong with it? Also I remember that last time i used it it was working good but the times were always rounded to full 10s (10ms, 130ms 230ms etc)
Also using GetTickCount instead gives proper results (I think)