Streamer question

Can I use the streamer plugin to make mission checkpoints? There's no way to SetPlayerCheckpoint AFAIK. Or does TogglePlayerDynamicCP do it? I mean that I should see the checkpoint across the map.

When using Incognito's streamer, you just do the CreateDynamicCP code, and as soon as you do that, players will see it. If you want it for one player, just do TogglePlayerDynamicCP and the checkpoint will immediately show, nothing else you need to do.

Why wouldn't you use SetPlayerCheckpoint? It can be used if you don't need to show multiple checkpoints. Streamer is better IMO, but you can use SetPlayerCheckpoint.

In short: yes, you can use the streamer plugin for mission checkpoints. I don't see why not.

you can (and should) use the native checkpoints for missions. imagine you are in blueberry, and got 2 deliveries: one to KACC military fuels (north east), and one to the saw mill in angel pine (south west) - both checkpoints are at the same distance (like 3500 units?), so when you drive a circle around blueberry, both checkpoints will swap being displayed. the closest checkpoint always is visible, unfortunately only 1 can be displayed at the same time. if you intend to make a mission with single targets, then the streamer is senseless - if you want multiple targets where the closest one displays, then the streamer is the best way to go.
oh, have a look here:
you can add 1 more checkpoint by using a race checkpoint, with a certain type (am too lazy to seek it up now lol), it wont display the arrow inside -> you got 2 checkpoints to work with, 1 normal, 1 race (but its a bad idea: no race filterscript will work properly, but who starts a race when delivering and vice versa?)

So.. if I have multiple checkpoints (lets say, one for the mission, one for shop entrance) and I start a mission. The mission checkpoint gets created. So if I do TogglePlayerDynamicCP, it will show even if the shop checkpoint is closer?

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