One question

Hi, guys!
I have one question for you. Well, I want that every two minutes the message says "If you want to get a driving license, you should to go to the teachers (teacher name)" or something like that. All I want is how to do that in teacher name it says player name which works in driving school? I hope you understand me. Thanks, anyway. Sorry for my bad english, i'm Lithuanian.

So you want you're server to say a random message every two minutes saying "If you want a driving license, you should go see driving teacher (name)." ?

You would have to create a 2 minute timer that keeps repeating.

forward TwoMinutePublic();
new stock TwoMinuteTimer();
public TwoMinutePublic()
     new id;
     SendClientMessageToAll(WHITE, "If you want to get a driving license, visit driving teacher (name)");
     return 1;
public OnGameModeInit()
     TwoMinuteTimer = SetTimer("TwoMinutePublic", 120000, true);
     return 1;
I dont really know if this helps you much because i dont really know what you're trying to ask, hopefully i helped you. If you have any questions please PM me and i can most likely help you with any scripting issues you might have. Have a nice day (;

Ok, thanks, but For example in game my name is Jack_Delson and I am a teacher. And here is the message: "If you want a driving license, you should go see driving teacher (my name (Jack_Delson or other teacher name)." So how to do that in "name" should show my name or other teacher name? Thanks for any advice

To make it you're name just change the thing in the filterscript from this
SendClientMessageToAll(WHITE, "If you want to get a driving license, visit driving teacher (name)");
to this

SendClientMessageToAll(WHITE, "If you want to get a driving license, visit the driving teacher Jack_Delson");
If this is not what you;re looking for please try to give a little more information on what you need. I have every intention of getting you to you're point of interest.

Loop through all player who are set to driving license teacher and just include their names in the SendClientMessage function. (There should be a variable which shows who are driving license teacher or not)

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