[GameMode] All Points Bulletin [RELEASE]

Well, someone may ask: "Why the hell are you releasing this?"! Answer is simple - dont have much time, even though I am on school holidays! Also, I have been dedicated to my soon-released Admin script and my stunt server!
Reason because of I stopped developing is also lack of players! I hope that I see someones successful server in near future with this (re-scripted, improved, whateva) gamemode running! There is 1 tiny thing missing in this gamemode which I couldnt do: MATCHMAKING! I spent hours to find a way to put players in same mission with same items and same objectives, but I just couldnt handle it!
I hope that someone will take in-depth look and improve this cool gamemode!

Now, enough crap, lets get to the gamemode! :P

- NPCs -> better known as Contacts (3 contacts for Enfs, 3 for Crims)
- Teams -> Criminals(red color) and Enforcers(lightblue color)
- Team chating -> talk to all online Enfs/Crims
- Showing (Enf) or (Crim) in chat message
- Pledging to contact thats available for your faction (light blue contacts are for Enfs, red named
contacts are for Crims -> anyway, 3D Text label will show which contact is for which faction and also it will show you contact name)
- Contact menu (opening with NUMPAD4 near NPC -> options "Pledge, Unpledge, Contact Info, Rewards Info,
Buy car, Buy weapons")
- Contact info (desciption about contact which are taken from "real" APB)
- Contact rewards (on level ups)
- PM system (/pm playerid msg OR Tab -> click on player -> send PM --> better known as whispering)
- Leveling up (some higher rating contacts requiere to play more with them -> example, Estebano for Enfs,
Javez for Crims)
- Pledge & Contact level textdraw info
- Kill system (each kills raises your "Notoriety/Prestige -> max N/P is 6, so when you reach N/P 6
(which is 6 kills), bounty is places on your head)
- Contact zones (those are just zones made to show which zone is controlled by Enf NPC, and which
with Crim NPC)
- Buying cars from contacts
- Buying weapons from contacts
- Saving weapons on disconnect
- Saving contact levels and kills on disconnect (there is a reason :P)
- Saving and loading your car (curently from /mycar command -> later on it will be from special
vehicle spawn points)
- Map icons showing for example tuning places, paynspray, etc.
- Random spawns for each faction (5 rand for Enfs, 5 rand for Crims)
- 400 vehicles around the San Paro (in other words, in San Fiero)
- Commands & help dialogs
- Random server help messages
- Over 400 random car spawns
- Group system (choose from group creation, invites, members info, etc.)
- Ready system (press NUMPAD6 to change your status to ready -> this means that your mission will start shortly
- Mission system (explained below)
- Random messages (change to your liking)
- ESG aka Enforcer Stun Gun (this is Country Rifle, when you shoot player, you will stun them)
- Arresting (you can arrest stunned Criminals -> /arrest <stunedid>
- Free activity for Criminals (curently, one and only activiy from which Criminals will receive awards is robbing ATMs -> there are over 20 ATMs round San Fiero, just approach them and type /robatm -> after your robbed one, you need to wait for 2 minutes to rob another one!
- Time system (textdraw which shows you how much time you got until end of mission)

Missions works simple like this:
You press NUMPAD6! In bout 10 seconds your mission starts! Objective is simple: pick up the item and deliver it to the checkpoint aka drop-off!

And here is the reason which made matchmaking freaking hard to script:
When your mission starts, "server" chooses from 20 random item coords, sets icon and sends message! When you pick up the item, "server", again, chooses from 20 random checkpoint aka drop-off coords and shows it to player!
Now, I have had thinking how the hell will I put 2 people and set same item and drop-off!

Maybe someone knows how, I am sorry cause I dont know, so dont insult or troll me!



I hope someone will really, really enjoy this gamemode and give it a try!
I am sorry for no video preview/screenshots! I have an old one which can be seen here:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkuQfOzJrdM&list=UU3wHER62N3Wx8UTkrAyR_Zw& index=2&feature=plcp"]APB PREVIEW (CLICK ME)[/ame]

Knock yourself out, people! Enjoy!

P.S. ATM include download (needed for ATM robbing) ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?wceed5843w74q29
Vehicle saving include download (needed for saving and loading cars) ---> http://www.mediafire.com/?6646xjt21oqkoob

Nice 10/10

I visited your server once and I fell in love. Too bad there wasn't any activity. :L Thanks for the release, though! 9/10.

COOL (Like game!).Just add Districts and it will be Full!

Originally Posted by iAlex
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I visited your server once and I fell in love. Too bad there wasn't any activity. :L Thanks for the release, though! 9/10.
My server is still open, but its locked! I am still runing this GM!

Not bad at all. Few bugs but of course nothing is perfect, i would give this a smack 8/10 (Great). Keep making Game-modes your quite good at it =)

Originally Posted by Diovis
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Not bad at all. Few bugs but of course nothing is perfect, i would give this a smack 8/10 (Great). Keep making Game-modes your quite good at it =)

I love it although u shouldnt have released this

Originally Posted by §с†¶e®РµРe
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I love it although u shouldnt have released this
Yes, I know, but as I said, lack of players and lack of time has made me quit!

I hope some1 will enjoy this GM!

when i try to run this it says
script[gamemode/apb.amx]:run time error 19: ''File or function is not found''

please help

Originally Posted by rambq
View Post
when i try to run this it says
script[gamemode/apb.amx]:run time error 19: ''File or function is not found''

please help
You got all plugins? All includes?

i downloaded that what you got uploaded but there are no plugins or includes in there

Originally Posted by rambq
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i downloaded that what you got uploaded but there are no plugins or includes in there
Then download the reqd plugins from Plugin Development Section. Anyways goodjob fiki.

no rating because i dont like that kind of gamemodes,because they're pretty empty,would be better if you will add some moving & Killable NPC's

Originally Posted by Xtreme_playa
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Then download the reqd plugins from Plugin Development Section. Anyways goodjob fiki.

Originally Posted by xkirill
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no rating because i dont like that kind of gamemodes,because they're pretty empty,would be better if you will add some moving & Killable NPC's
Thank you!

Good Job man , Really - But just a Question , What's the name of the Song ? i really like it

Originally Posted by Breto
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Good Job man , Really - But just a Question , What's the name of the Song ? i really like it

SONG: Pitbull - Hey Baby

Where is download include ATM?

Nice!, Good job Looks like a pretty good gm.

Originally Posted by huyhung65ht
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Where is download include ATM?
Oh, forgot that! Here is the link -> http://www.mediafire.com/?wceed5843w74q29

Originally Posted by davve95
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Nice!, Good job Looks like a pretty good gm.

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