how to let ppl give money away..

hey guys,
i want to make it that when a players does somethin example: /hey that they get $20000 away from them so they have to pay it to the server u know... but how to make it i already tried to make this:
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -20000); but that aint working...

pls help

I did not understood!

hmm well when players use thje cmd /hey that they lose $20000 of their money... this better explaination i hope...

Do you have anything that is defining the players money?

What gamemode are you using?

im using my own gamemode NYD_Drifitng i want to make this for version 4 and no i havent got anything that defines it

Hmm, then GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -20000); should be working.

Do you have a variable as your money?
PlayerInfo[playerid][pCash] -= 20000;

Be something like that. Just find your $ variable.

wut u mena? i dont understand u

Do you have money set as a variable.

Like in a normal script to prevent anti-money hacks etc they use pCash as a variable for $.

What script are you editing? I'll take a look at it and help you find the variable, I'm pretty sure it'd have it as pMoney or pCash or something like that. Not alot of people use GivePlayerMoney or w/e anymore.

eehm im using the gamemode NYD_Drifting and im editting the gamemode but i dont understand wut u say for the rest

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