******* Player

Hello,i see http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...light=playlist that fs and i going to test that..
I tested on house server and its work,but i put that fs on my hosted server and when i type /******* and select and put link my server shuting down..Can i make to work that on hosed server??
Sry for bad english ,i'm from croatia..

Refersh i need that fast

What are you trying to reach? Show some code and make sure it doesn't use "exit" somewhere...

This FS works fine on Windows server, but I have Linux one, and it constantly crashes my server even though i have all plugins and correct links!
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Da li ti je server Windows ili Linux??

It doesn't support Linux.
btw quote from Norn:
Originally Posted by Norn
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This is useless, the key you're grabbing is user unique and since http is called from the server and not client *******-mp3 will get the servers ip address so it'll only work if you're on the same IP as the server/locally etc.
Originally Posted by usrb1n
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I was inactive for few weeks. I'm gonna fix both scripts (FS and Include) asap.
Sorry for the problems, I'm gonna fix the web page problem and the linux issues.

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