System requriements for 100 slot server?


I have a server with 75 players average. Gamemode is big, it also uses MySQL for data saving.
Would this be enough?

Guaranteed Memory: 512 MB
Burstable Memory: 1024 MB
Monthly Bandwidth: 500 GB
Port Speed: 1 GBPS
Usable CPU Cores: 1

It all depends on how gamemode is scripted, but you are a bit short with bandwidth. Also, CPU, maybe try taking more cores.

Ram is always ok, your server would need to be made horribly in order to take more than 250MB. Even 128 MB, 256 burstable would be enough for most servers.
Cant say much about the bandwidth, only that ive always been even far away from 50GB/month hosting around 20-30 players on multiple servers.
CPU cores is a quite useless description in VPS specs, as the number of cores says absolutely nothing about how much power it will have. The thing that matters is the i/o limit and maybe virtual MHz. Combined with not knowing your script it is impossible to say if the CPU will be ok for it.

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