Maps Crashing the Server

Help:Yesterday i was just searching around on Forums and i Got a Beautiful map and i just installed it on my Server but WTF when i started my server after the message " JOINED THE SERVER " my server got crashed but then i Converted the .map to Samp CreateObject and after that its not crashing but no other map was loading Except the map i installed...


SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2

Exception At Address: 0x7C90100B


EAX: 0x00000020	EBX: 0x00000028	ECX: 0x7FFDD000	EDX: 0x00000020

ESI: 0x00000000	EDI: 0x04334464	EBP: 0x0012F508	ESP: 0x0012F4D0

EFLAGS: 0x00010202


+0000: 0x0048DA4E   0x00000020   0x0048E09E   0x00000000

+0010: 0x04334464   0x00000000   0x00000028   0x00000FFF

+0020: 0x0012F4E0   0x0012F0F4   0x0012F84C   0x004920A8

+0030: 0x004ACCB0   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000000   0x0040534E

+0040: 0x00000028   0x00000000   0x04333E8C   0x0012F538

+0050: 0x04242D48   0x0040578F   0x00000001   0x01EA4CB0

+0060: 0x01EA4CB0   0x0000003A   0x04290114   0x004010B6

+0070: 0x01EA4CB0   0x04334464   0x042B9A40   0x00402B63

+0080: 0x01EA4CB0   0x0000001B   0x0012F570   0x04333E8C

+0090: 0x0012F858   0x01EA4CB0   0x00000000   0x00000000

+00A0: 0x00000001   0x0007A428   0x0007A44C   0x0007AFFC

+00B0: 0x00077028   0x0007AFDC   0x00077028   0x04242D48

+00C0: 0x042B9A40   0x00000000   0x04240020   0x00076CF8

+00D0: 0x0046D5A1   0x01EA4CB0   0x0012F5F0   0x00000016

+00E0: 0x01EA4CB0   0x00000000   0x01EA4CB0   0x00000001

+00F0: 0x01EA4CB0   0x00000001   0x01EA4CB0   0x00000001

+0100: 0x01EA4CB0   0x0012F60C   0x0012F5F4   0x0012F740

+0110: 0x04330A40   0x00000000   0x01EA4CB0   0x00000000

+0120: 0x00000000   0x04330A40   0x00488A5B   0x00000016

+0130: 0x00000001   0x00000001   0x00000001   0x00077000
Server Log
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3d-R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team

[12:42:33] Server Plugins
[12:42:33] --------------
[12:42:33]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[12:42:33]   Loaded.
[12:42:33]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[12:42:33]  ===============================

[12:42:33]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[12:42:33]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[12:42:33]  ===============================

[12:42:33]   Loaded.
[12:42:33]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[12:42:33]  ==================
[12:42:33]   Whirlpool loaded
[12:42:33]  ==================
[12:42:33]   Loaded.
[12:42:33]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[12:42:33] Filterscripts
[12:42:33] ---------------
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'padmin.amx'...
[12:42:33] ________________________________________
[12:42:33]            cAdmin Loading...            
[12:42:33] ________________________________________
 -Configuration Settings Loaded
[12:42:33] ________________________________________
[12:42:33]            cAdmin Version 4.0  by Rk    
[12:42:33]                 Loaded                  
[12:42:33] ________________________________________
[12:42:33]      Date: 27/12/2011  Time: 12:42 :33   
[12:42:33] ________________________________________
[12:42:33] ________________________________________

[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'objects1.amx'...
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'objects2.amx'...
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'ZoOm.amx'...
[12:42:33]  ZoOm system is loaded (Y)^^
[12:42:33] --------------------------------------

[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'dmsas.amx'...
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'tnsas.amx'...
[12:42:33] Transfender,Wheel Arch Angels and Lowrider vehicles supported
[12:42:33] Car tuning menu v.1.1
[12:42:33] Coded by Lucas_Bertone aks Rsts
[12:42:33] Cleaned up a bit by kaisersouse 4/11/2008
[12:42:33] --------------------------------------

[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'snakec.amx'...
[12:42:33]  Sas multiplayer 1.0 Beta
[12:42:33] --------------------------------------

[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'sas.amx'...
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'PRaceSystemEng.amx'...
[12:42:33] _______________________________________________
[12:42:33]        PRaceSystem by Phanto90 loaded 
[12:42:33]             Current version: 1.3v
[12:42:33] _______________________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 12 checkpoints loaded for Race 0.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 12 checkpoints loaded for Race 1.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 7 checkpoints loaded for Race 2.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 13 checkpoints loaded for Race 3.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 12 checkpoints loaded for Race 4.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 9 checkpoints loaded for Race 5.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 11 checkpoints loaded for Race 6.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 14 checkpoints loaded for Race 7.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 13 checkpoints loaded for Race 8.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 13 checkpoints loaded for Race 9.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 17 checkpoints loaded for Race 10.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 23 checkpoints loaded for Race 11.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 19 checkpoints loaded for Race 12.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 30 checkpoints loaded for Race 13.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 2 checkpoints loaded for Race 14.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 15 checkpoints loaded for Race 15.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 10 checkpoints loaded for Race 16.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 11 checkpoints loaded for Race 17.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] ,0,0$,,0
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 14 checkpoints loaded for Race 18.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] Drag Race to San Fierro,1,2000$,Nobody,Blacklisted_Bboy
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33] 15 checkpoints loaded for Race 19.
[12:42:33] ____________________________________
[12:42:33]   Loading filterscript 'W***.amx'...
[12:42:33]   Loaded 10 filterscripts.

[12:42:33]                 ==============Gamemode Loaded=====================
[12:42:33]                 =======S.a.S Welcome you to the new world of Fucking========
[12:42:33] Number of vehicle models: 14
[12:42:53] Incoming connection:
[12:42:53] [join] Chronic has joined the server (0:
[12:43:17] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:43:25] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:43:39] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:44:42] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:44:48] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:44:49] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:44:52] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:45:15] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:46:00] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:47:07] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:47:22] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:47:24] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:47:51] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:47:55] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:37] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:39] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:43] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:44] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:45] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:46] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:50] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:52] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:53] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:48:54] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:02] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:04] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:05] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:13] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:21] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:49:31] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:51:19] Printing Player Variables - DM SCRIPT
[12:51:22] [part] Chronic has left the server (0:1)
[12:51:30] --- Server Shutting Down.
[12:51:30] ________________________________________
[12:51:30]            cAdmin Unloaded              
[12:51:30] ________________________________________
[12:51:30]      Date: 27/12/2011  Time: 12:51 :30   
[12:51:30] ________________________________________
[12:51:30] ________________________________________

[12:51:30]  ZOom System is unloaded (N)
[12:51:30] --------------------------------------


*** Streamer Plugin v2.5 by Incognito unloaded ***


[12:51:30]  ===============================

[12:51:30]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[12:51:30]  ===============================

[12:51:30]  ====================
[12:51:30]   Whirlpool unloaded
[12:51:30]  ====================
Waiting For your Sweet Help,

I think it is not because of MTA.Check your server log, it says Whirlpool plugin is unloaded.

Its UNLOADED after shutting down...

maybe there is too much object in same location. i suggest you to try that mta by putting in 0.3c server and test weather it crash there?

( NOT worked!

Try removing all [FS]
And Try Again

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