[GameMode] Basic Gangwar DM - From Scratch - First GM

Gangwar DM

Login/Register System
On first login, a player can register an account and use a password to login every time they reconnect. There is around 10 things such as cash, score, adminlevel, and other things that are saved on player disconnect and reconnect, so they dont have to worry about people getting on their accounts or changing any of their information.

Class Selection
Simple class selection after login with skins for 4 different teams. The teams implemented in this script are the following: Army, Police, Bloods and Grove (more to be added such as ballas, vagos, and aztecas). When a player chooses a skin it wiill spawn that player at their team's base with the weapons selected for that team.

Ever time someone dies, the GM will give the killer(killerid) 10 points, and will take away 1 point from the person who died. Using Dini, i have made this to where it will save the score and then change the score to its new one upon player update.

If a player gets more than 3 kills in a row it will start displaying a message to all players stating so. But if you die and you have a killstreak, it will state a new message saying that someone has broken your killstreak, and your killstreak will start over. Also, on player disconnect your killstreak will start over as well.

Minigun Arena
Using the command /mg player can reset their weapons and set themselves into an RC arena with only a minigun to kill all other players. On player death they will respawn at their base and be forced to do /mg again to re-enter the arena.

Deathmatch Arena
When a player uses the command /dm1 the player spawns as they are in the Deathmatch arena and can kill their opponents with the weapons that they have on their person at that time. If they die, they will simply respawn and recieve their weapons back.

Rape & Rob
Using the /rape command will give another player an STD of a random sort, this std will kill them slowly unless they have 20000 dollars (explained later). 10 Minute timer is now set so that player can not be robbed for 10 minutes.
Using the /rob command will take a certain amount of money from a player and give it to the player using the command, and a timer will be set for the person who got robbed to not be robbed again for 10 minutes.

If a player uses the /buy command, a dialog will pop up stating that they can buy: Martydom, Juggernaut, Health, and Armour. Martydom, to buy this you have to have a score of atleast 50 and have to have 50000 dollars. To purchase juggernaut you have to have the same as Martydom, but what exactly do these things do? Its exactly what you might think it is. Ill show you below.

If a player has purchased martydom, when they die a small explosion will be made to simulate a "dropped grenade" which can kill players around them.

If a player has purchased juggernaut they will spawn with 200 health instead of 1, giving them a chance of living longer and increasing their chances of getting a killstreak.

Other Commands
*/die - you die
*/home - takes you to your base.
*/cmds - shows you available cmds
*/serverinfo - shows server info such as ip, owner, ect.

Admin Commands
*/kill - kill a player
*/ban - ban a player
*/get - bring a palyer to your position.
*/goto - go to another players position.
*/kick - kick a player
*/changeadminlevel - make someone an admin or raise their adminlevel
*/removeadmin - remove someone from the adminteam
*/aquit - quit the admin team.



Nice Start

Nice your first GameMode! Good Job

Really good for start. Keep it up,well not bad basic gang war dm script,from scratch. Well done!

nice GM, but could you tell more about admin commands, commands used by regular players and how to get a house?

Will do. im about to work on a new one, any suggestions?
Or shoudl i just keep workin on this one? (:

You should keep working on this one.

Thanks, I hope this works going to use it for my second server which is going to be a Deathmatch server.

Ii think it works pretyt well, have a nice time with it, please keep credits, much apreciated.

Col i like /rape and rob xD

good job for a starter

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