Server Autooff after registering

When a player Registers then the samp-server.exe turns off automatically.

Which admin system you are using?

Which Register system are you using?
Could you post that?

Originally Posted by rooney12
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Which Register system are you using?
Could you post that?
Admin system mostly goes with registration.
No wonder if he got 2 register systems,1 with admin script,other with game mode.

Its a new Gamemode from Scratch and i am using dfile for the file saving system. I am/will not using/use any other script. I will script everthing by myself. Please tell me about fixing this bug.



SA-MP Server: 0.3d-R2

Exception At Address: 0x77BF2262


EAX: 0x00000024	EBX: 0x00000200	ECX: 0x004D6430	EDX: 0x03154BC0

ESI: 0x00000024	EDI: 0x00000020	EBP: 0x0018F26C	ESP: 0x0018F258

EFLAGS: 0x00010206


+0000: 0x03154BC0   0x03375AE4   0x00617140   0x0018F278

+0010: 0x77BFE6A8   0x0018F2AC   0x0048DA4E   0x00000020

+0020: 0x004943B0   0x00000000   0x03154BC0   0x03375AE4

+0030: 0x00000200   0x7751CAB0   0x0018F298   0x0018F280

+0040: 0x0018EE2C   0x0018F814   0x004920A8   0x004AD320

+0050: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000200   0x0048E070   0x00000000

+0060: 0x00404F44   0x00000000   0x0018F2D8   0x03375AE4

+0070: 0x00000200   0x0018F500   0x0000000C   0x00000000

+0080: 0x00000001   0x80000000   0x00405832   0x00000000

+0090: 0x00000200   0x00000001   0x0018F338   0x0049A911

+00A0: 0x00330904   0x00495456   0x00000004   0x00495447

+00B0: 0x004B625E   0x00000001   0x00000000   0xFFFFFFFF

+00C0: 0x00000004   0x00000001   0x0018F308   0x00000000

+00D0: 0x0018F398   0x004920A8   0x004AD378   0xFFFFFFFF

+00E0: 0x00495447   0x0049451F   0x0018F3F0   0x00008000

+00F0: 0x00000040   0x00000019   0x00000000   0x0018F3C8

+0100: 0x0018F364   0x00491F7F   0x003312F0   0x0018F3A8

+0110: 0x0048DA94   0x00000014   0x0048E1B7   0x004D64B0

+0120: 0x0048E1AE   0x00000019   0x0018F3C8   0x00000000

+0130: 0x00000000   0x004D64B0   0x0018F37C   0x0018F3F0
This the the Crashinfo.

The most common mistake is a missing directory. Check if you have them.

Missing directory OR missing files ... make sure you have configuration files working ...

You are late, Fixed myself but still Rep+ and it was the Directory problem.

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