Just dumping it here

10x = 9.(9)
10x-x = 9.(9) - 0.(9)
9x = 9
x = 1 = 0.(9)

le probleme, math people?

I confused a math teacher by doing that - it was quite funny because I proved him wrong, after about a 30 minute debate about that!

Originally Posted by Macluawn
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10x = 9.(9)
10x-x = 9.(9) - 0.(9)
9x = 9
x = 1 = 0.(9)

le probleme, math people?
What's this supposed to mean? If you want to prove it wrong, look at step 2: 10x = 9.9? If you define x as 0.9, then that's 9.0...

0.(9) = 0.999999999999...
it just means, that the number nine is repeating forever.

Ye good ol' problem, also was a popular topic during my physics lessons back at school.
0.(9) is indeed = 1, there are a lot of ways to proof that. I really like your solution, havent seen it that way before I think. However, thats the most simple one that comes up to my mind:

1/9 = 0.(1)          | x9
1 = 9/9 = 0.(9)
edit: +rep for a math topic finally

Originally Posted by Macluawn
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0.(9) = 0.999999999999...
it just means, that the number nine is repeating forever.
Oh, I know what it means now. Never seen that notation before tbh, we just write 0.99...And yes it's true, countless ways to prove them ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999... ), yours is included as well.

I like this one:

has the limit 0. Considering the nth term of the sequence, for n=0,1,2,..., it must therefore be shown tha


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