05.12.2011, 03:46
Последний раз редактировалось xMichaelx; 06.12.2011 в 13:54.
For all of you who don't know i am Michael, I current script for Incorporated and at the moment will only be scripting this small project due to the lack of time.
Today i decided to release BaseJumps as i have always enjoyed this unique gamemode, I hope that some user will use it as there main gamemode , the script it's self is very small only 370lines long. It is not at all updated! I will be adding loads to the next version release but this is just the basic release. If you want to recommend anything to me i will be sure to use any good ideas in the next version release.
Change Log
Okay so many will think how can there be many changes on first release but this is more for you to see what will be coming in future releases.
Future Releases Explained
Saving System - Will be saving all the basics using Y_INI
Dynamic Housing - Housing will become available read into cash system
Cash System - When a player completes a jump they will receive a bonus amount of cash, if a player places a bet on another player they will also receive bonus cash, how ever a player will be able to compete in competitions with players and timed jumps for a given bet amount.
Banking System - This will be used for depositing, withdrawing, transfering, and betting.
Administration Team - Simple yet effective Administration system adding 20+ commands on each version release.
Donation System - Now i had this idea, and would like it if players would tell me yes or no on, basically if a player donates the server owner can out of game or in game change that players donation status, making so if the player becomes a donator they can then unlock bonus jumps and features.
Anti-Weapon System - This will be put in place in v0.2 release to stop weapons in game however you can disable this function simply by #define Anti-Weapon 0
Current Version Download
I have added my main download site, if you wish for me to add more please reply below!
Download:Here for .pwn and .amx
Download:Here For .pwn
Thanks For You Interest
Please Keep All Credits Included, I Also Do Not Want Any Edits Made Without Permission
Incorporated Gaming © 2011.
Please Rep+ On Download.
Really Sorry, I have decided to stop the progress of this server due to the fact of development of my new LSCNR script.
This won't be for release but i will do a version that will be.
For all of you who don't know i am Michael, I current script for Incorporated and at the moment will only be scripting this small project due to the lack of time.
Today i decided to release BaseJumps as i have always enjoyed this unique gamemode, I hope that some user will use it as there main gamemode , the script it's self is very small only 370lines long. It is not at all updated! I will be adding loads to the next version release but this is just the basic release. If you want to recommend anything to me i will be sure to use any good ideas in the next version release.
Change Log
Okay so many will think how can there be many changes on first release but this is more for you to see what will be coming in future releases.
Added: Small Anti-Weapon, kicks if the player death is not a server death. - v0.1 Release: Base Jumps! - v0.1 Next Version Release: Saving System. Next Version Release: Dynamic Housing. Next Version Release: Cash System. Next Version Release: Banking System. Next Version Release: Administration Team. Next Version Release: Donation System. Next Version Release: Anti-Weapon System.
Jump 1 - 8 Brb healme spawnme kill class countdown nrg bike quad para || p pm
Saving System - Will be saving all the basics using Y_INI
Dynamic Housing - Housing will become available read into cash system
Cash System - When a player completes a jump they will receive a bonus amount of cash, if a player places a bet on another player they will also receive bonus cash, how ever a player will be able to compete in competitions with players and timed jumps for a given bet amount.
Banking System - This will be used for depositing, withdrawing, transfering, and betting.
Administration Team - Simple yet effective Administration system adding 20+ commands on each version release.
Donation System - Now i had this idea, and would like it if players would tell me yes or no on, basically if a player donates the server owner can out of game or in game change that players donation status, making so if the player becomes a donator they can then unlock bonus jumps and features.
Anti-Weapon System - This will be put in place in v0.2 release to stop weapons in game however you can disable this function simply by #define Anti-Weapon 0
Current Version Download
I have added my main download site, if you wish for me to add more please reply below!
Download:Here for .pwn and .amx
Download:Here For .pwn
Thanks For You Interest
Please Keep All Credits Included, I Also Do Not Want Any Edits Made Without Permission
Incorporated Gaming © 2011.
Please Rep+ On Download.
Really Sorry, I have decided to stop the progress of this server due to the fact of development of my new LSCNR script.
This won't be for release but i will do a version that will be.