How to update from samp 0.3c R2 to R5

Can anyone give me the procedures on how to update successfully from 0.3c R2 to R5, I have tried it doing on my own, But some zcmd syntax are not working such as entering houses, It works fine on my R2 but when I transfered it to R5 it doesn't seem to work.

Moved to scripting discussion because this is a scripting issue.

Here is a rough list of things you need to do to upgrade your server ( to any version )
- make sure you have the new server / client package.
- do some research ( use search ) on the forums here, and on the wiki.
eg : a quick search found this
You are looking for new native commands and possible updates for plugins
- put the new includes in the /pawno/include folder, and make sure you open the editor which points to these
- recompile your gamemode
- recompile any filterscripts you use

when you start your server, check to make sure all the plugins load successfully.

If everything seems to work ok ( as I assume it did in your case ) but you have issues with some commands or callbacks, check the script there for new or changed native functions, and make sure they are used correctly.

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