Need a help

Hi all I just want a help for sa-mp anticheat.Can you say to me what anticheat to use on my server.But please don't say junkbuster cause it is bugged.

I hate cheaters and that's the reason why i want anticheat.

And please help me with this.Say to me what AC to use

The best Anti-Cheat will be that one you will make.
[TUT] how to create an Anti-Cheat by cessil

If you want to make an anti-cheat yourself... use the link given by Kostas' ...
But if you want a ready made anti cheat goto:

Originally Posted by luis_mendoza
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...But please don't say junkbuster cause it is bugged...
BlazeFury, you suggest him, this one that he doesn't want to use!

I suggest him the tutorial to make one by himself. However, I forgot to add the "by yourself" on my previous post.
The most of the people here know that if someone are trying to make something by himself/herself, first of all is good for him/her, for experience. Second, if he/she needs or wants something to change in the future, it would be better for him/her as he made it! Of course the person made this thread, he can choose whatever he wants. By downloading or making one by himself. It's not nessecary to make the best, unique or others words that many people use to describe something. The point is to try it out with good or not. Something I have seen many times here is that "You learn from your mistakes". Back to the toturial now. Atleast, you will have spawning weapons (include on the tutorial and it's most important than jetpack, etc..). Moreover, for this reason there are tutorials on the forum to see how he use something and done it and try making it.

I founded some ac's here with tutorials...I made one but,all ac i made are bugged.I use roleplay mode and i need a perfect anticheat.For money,weapon,teleport,airbreak and other.And tutorials are not helping me.

I know that there is a difference between writing everything yourself and writing some things yourself. I don't disagree with that. Neither I said to make the whole script without look on someone else's code. However, I suggested you by making yourself because everyone want something specific for the AntiCheat (for example, as we are talking about this). There are a lot of FS or Includes from AC, but may someone doesn't want the airbrake and money hack and wants only weapons hack. As the script is written by someone else, it would be difficult to remove the things he wants, because there is a possibility to delete something else instead this he wants. Anyway, that was my suggestion. But the opinion for this is only yours. Good Luck!

can someone help me how to make a perfect anticheat for weapon,money and airbreak.But excellent for rp mods.I don't want that AC is bugged.

Cause money ac can be bugged when i type /givemoney and it bans players,or /pay,/money,for sell,events and other.And weapon can be bugged when i use /duty when I am PD.When someone types /give gun or admin types /givegun and others.

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