[Map] Caspian Border preview



This is a preview of the map which I'm currently working on. It's a really big project, will contain a load of objects and will be fit for both vehicle warfare aswell as infrantry. It would most likely best fit in a deathmatch server, but I'm not sure if I'm going to release it yet. I'm currently still adding small details and fixing some minor stuff, and the whole map needs to be tested with a few different streamers and a script. Release date is still unknown.

Made by Alphos aka Alpha.

- Enjoy.

Fu*ing awesome!!!!
Can't w8 !!!!!!!

Verryyy nice man!

Rep. point!

This looks so fucking great. I've been trying to do something similiar, but I always fail lol.

This is intelligent, I will make use of it with some future project.

This is awesome! Please keep us posted on how things are going

This is amazing! Best map remake I've seen to date.

Don't release it and make a Battlefield 3-like server - it'll be better than all of the horrid CoD servers.

Wow! How about mapping skills huh? Good job!

Heel mooi
Really nice!

This looks amazing! I would love to see this on a "Battlefield" SA-MP server


dude thats fucking awesome,and yes im playing Battlefield 3 on my PS3!! xD

join its the best mutliplayer game u HAVE EVER SEEN!

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