Symbolic AMX link on Windows

I have an SVN folder, and a folder where my SA-MP server runs from. Is there no way I can symbolically link the AMX to the gamemodes directory where the SA-MP server is from the SVN folder?

Note: This is all on Windows, I've tried 'mklink' with the 'hard link' (/D) parameter, but no luck so far. The SA-MP server doesn't read it as a valid file.

Anyone else tried this before or know how to do it?

Hmm, okay, thanks then. I'll just put samp_server.exe, etc, in the root of the SVN folder without adding it to the repository.

I decided to make a batch script to package the pwn script from the SVN folder to two folders with the Windows and Linux folders/executables for the server.

If anyone else comes across this thread and wants the code: - it also takes a live MySQL backup of a specified database.

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