Kill list gone?

Anyone have the problem with the kill list disappearing after a reinstall? Never had this issue before....How do i fix this?

Kill list? Thingy on the right side you mean? Try pressing F9 lol

I got that problem too... I clicked f9 but nothing happened.

Note that not every server has a kill list.

I had this problem sometimes, when I restarted my PC the problem was solved(reinstall SA-MP doesn't solve).

Happened here too and the server has a kill list and i dont see it but my brother see it ?

I've tried everything, it's not working :/

The kill list just dissapeared for some reason.

I play on a server (been playin for a year) and its had a kill list and has to have a kill list. It just doesn't show for me...

Tried f9 didnt work

Did you try re-installing sa-mp again? You might also want to check the servers forums, i highly doubt it, but they could of had an update that involved removing the kill list, its possible.

Server hasn't updated, i'll try reinstalling sa-mp

Install the font again (gtaweap3 or something)

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