Disable symbols

How to disable to write in chat symbols like { and } because when somebody type code like this {ffffff} in the chat the server has restarted ..
Any ideas ?

The server restarts when you do that?! D:

Anyway; this has been fixed in 0.3d (if you're talking about the colour bug) and therefore you need not worry about it.

Originally Posted by funky1234
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The server restarts when you do that?! D:

Anyway; this has been fixed in 0.3d (if you're talking about the colour bug) and therefore you need not worry about it.
So how to fix this in 0.3c ?

Try this:

public OnPlayerText( playerid, text[ ] )
    for( new i; i < 129; i ++ ) 
         if( text[ i ] == '{' ) text[ i ] = '(';
         if( text[ i ] == '}' ) text[ i ] = ')';
    // your codes
But, from what I know, { and } replaces with ( and ) in 0.3c+ ...

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