Server Console Open but no response local host or bots connecting

Hello, I seem to have a problem with my script, sometimes when the server opens the client thinks it's not responding.

But sometimes it will load, I can also tell when the server is not going to work as the bots do not load, but sometimes they do.

I can open the server 1 time and it not work, reopen the server again without changing code and it will load?

I don't know what the problem could be, can anyone help me please, all the prints load too in ongamemodeinit.

I've disabled bots and several things for testing and still the same problem.

I don't know what the problem could be.

Could anyone help please.


Ive tested some other modes, it seems to be ever mode, it just takes like 15 seconds for a blank mode to respond.

Without ANY filterscripts or plugins loaded.

You may want to check any physical firewalls on the host machine as I'm aware that there are some packet-specific software firewalls that cause intensive delay to sending and receiving of server/client packets. Also an issue that I'm aware of is specific sections of your code that may be called after the 'OnGameModeInnit' callback that may be taking extensive time to execute and since the SA-MP server is a single threaded application would cause a noticeable 'hanging' delay.

Seems to be working now, but unsure if it will stay like it.

This seems a little like:
However your problem is on startup, and isn't entirely random (you can sometimes tell when it'll not work, for example).

Edit: The server seems to work each time I change ports after it does not work. I also checked running processes and nothing related to sa-mp is there.

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