MYSQL problem

I did the simple mysql system from this guide:

and when I run my server then in says "Connecting to server ...... Didn't respond"
I checked if I put the plugin in the server.cfg and I did......
someone help?

Did you assure you entered the valid details of your database?
Originally Posted by Tutorial
#define mysql_host "" //Has to be a string
#define mysql_user "root" //Has to be a string
#define mysql_password "" //There is none for wamp unless you set one.
#define mysql_database "sa-mp" //Has to be a string
If you got those, no surprise it's not working.

yep I have it.....
what the problem? what should I do?

ohhh I am stupid XD
I install the 0.3d samp version and my server is 0.3c version....
but I asked my friend try to register and when he goes out from the server the username don't save.....
I cheacked in the PHPMYADMIN if there are some fields created in my database and there are nothing.....

I don't undestand one thing:
mysql_connect("host", "user", "database", "password");
user and password of what?
I have a DirectAdmin
and when I create a db I have that:
Your database has been setup. Use the following values:

Database: yan_mode 
Host: localhost 
Username: yan_mode 
Password: XXXXXXX
this is the username and password what I need? or I need to put the password and username of my FTP user?

Why would you put the credentials of your FTP server? The tutorial explains it quite simply I'm afraid.

then what I need to insert there?
I don't understod well the tutorial......

All you gotta remember is that the username and password is needed for MySQL Connection

look for post number 5.
this the username and password that I nned?

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