23.10.2011, 19:53
All ive got is a couple or errors but i dont understand what they are so if someone could fix them or tell me how to that would be great thanks.
C:\Users\GTA ONLY\Desktop\The_Eclipse_V4.8\gamemodes\TE.pwn(2407) : warning 209: function "Streamer_OnPlayerEnterCP" should return a value C:\Users\GTA ONLY\Desktop\The_Eclipse_V4.8\gamemodes\TE.pwn(2408) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
if ( IsPlayerInDynamicCP( playerid, Challange1) )//2382 line { if ( IsPlayerInDynamicCP( playerid, Challange1) ) { new Moneys = 1000 + random( 7000 ), Score = 30 + random( 10 ), Cookies = 10 + random( 20 ), String[ 256 ]; foreach(Player, i) { if ( i != playerid ) { FormMessage( i, -1, ""COL_OGREEN"%s{FFFFFF} has finished The Big Jump 1 Challange, and won a prize!", PlayerName2( playerid ) ); } } format( String, sizeof String, " ~g~ FINISHED~n~~n~~w~You finished the Big Jump Challange!~n~~n~~g~ REWARD!~n~~W~Cash:~g~~h~$%d~n~~w~Score: ~g~~h~%d~n~~w~Cookies: ~g~~h~%d",Moneys, Score, Cookies ); Info( playerid, String,12000); SetPlayerScore( playerid, GetPlayerScore( playerid ) + Score ); GivePlayerMoney( playerid, Moneys ); { DestroyDynamicCP( Challange1); } } } }//2407 line return 1;//2408 line }