playerid problem

I'm trying to make a filterscript but if I add something under public OnFilterScriptInit(), everytime I compile it I get this error:

error 017: undefined symbol "playerid"
pawn Код:
if (PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, 757.7714, -1996.8455, -0.3859))
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2500);
What can I do about this?

Add this

PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
	new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz,
		Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
	tempposx = (oldposx -x);
	tempposy = (oldposy -y);
	tempposz = (oldposz -z);
	if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
		return 1;
	return 0;
In public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])

if (PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, 757.7714, -1996.8455, -0.3859))
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2500);

Originally Posted by Join7
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Add this

PlayerToPoint(Float:radi, playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z)
	new Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz,
		Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz;
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz);
	tempposx = (oldposx -x);
	tempposy = (oldposy -y);
	tempposz = (oldposz -z);
	if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi)))
		return 1;
	return 0;
That doesnt have anything to do with the error.

The callback OnFilterScriptInit doesnt support the parameter 'playerid'. What do you want to do with the piece of code you have? When the player spawns at a certain position, he gets that amount of money or?

Well, you can't add that under "OnFilterScriptInit". What do you actually wanna do? You can create a function and add a timer that will call the function every second, that will check your position.

EDIT: Wesley was faster.

In public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])

if (PlayerToPoint(5.0, playerid, 757.7714, -1996.8455, -0.3859))
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 2500);

That makes no sense Join7.

Yes, I'm trying to check if the player is in a certain position so he will recieve an amount of money/a weapon only when he's in that range of point(If we walks/swims in there, drives a car/boat near the point etc). If I add it under OnPlayerCommandText it works but only when I'm typing a command. Same goes for OnPlayerText etc.

EDIT: I added a timer and it works just fine now for what I'm trying to do. Thank you very much. I'll post here for further problems. Thanks once again!

Well, as I said use a timer. Here is an example using y_timers:
pawn Код:
timer CheckPosition[1000]()
    for ( new i = 0; i != MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
        if ( PlayerToPoint(5.0, i, 757.7714, -1996.8455, -0.3859 ) )
            GivePlayerMoney(i, 2500);

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    repeat CheckPosition();
    return true;

It works just fine now SmiT, thank you.

P.S. Is there any way to make an object move/face the player if the player is in the range?

use MoveObject and SetObjectRot or if ur using 0.3d RC6 just use MoveObject

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