What city to Start RP Server in?

Hello, What city is best for a Roleplay Server?

I think LS is too Overused in Roleplay

LS is overused but it succeeds. Anyway, I suggest you not to open a server right now because something big is coming soon. But however, it's your respectfull decision.


Originally Posted by Twizted
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LS is overused but it succeeds. Anyway, I suggest you not to open a server right now because something big is coming soon. But however, it's your respectfull decision.
World end? 2012? That's coming!!

OT - Los Santos, the best place.

San Ferrio is a no evertime ive seen a server move there it has died, LV if your having a mafia type gang system, but really LS for street gangs mybe expaned into the country side a bit more to be different.

Los Santos is the best city for role-play, but if your server is new I offer to start from RedCounty

I'd suggest LS...
SF kills the server...:/

SF is too big , players would leave the server ..
LV too small and not beatiful.. only for RPG and DM servers
LS the right place , although it's overused.

With 0.3d LV would be cool with casinos and all the textdraw thingies, I'd choose LV.
You can also try out with the desert (Bone County, Tierra Robada), I don't see any good servers in the desert.

That has never been done before i think.

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Get aids, nah thats to mean.
Get something!!!

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