NPC Question

Hello to all of the S.A Scripters

I have a Question is it possibel tho Make Patrolling/Guarding PNC.

Now i will explain what i mean.

For exampel: Area51,Demorgen ore how you all call it.

That is a Red area (not for Civillian)

what i need NPC that Guard that area inside and outside,

When you are in a geverment faction they wont harm you. simple

If you are just a Civilian/Mob They will Warn you ( like a normal player woud do)
that will be done like : Sir you are not authorized in this area Pleace leave Now ! (1st warning)
xx seconds later : You have 5 Seconds for leaving this area ore i will open fire ( warning Nr 2.) ( meanwhile other NPS will come for aid ( if you have more guarding that Area.. if possible)
5 seconds later : We will open fire now ( NPC starts shooting on Person)

Afther person is gone NPC continue his guard round... ( this also when xx person leaving )

also a possible option in a car/rhino/hunter/hydra option

I'm not a good scripter so i dont know if this is possible bud this can also be of use for example PD station on the PD terrain ore FBI... ( even for DM servers)

thanks for reading this.

if you want more information about what i have in mind ore dont understand just post it ore pm me

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