[Include] IEE (InteriorEnterExits)

IEE 1.2
by Mike

This simple include allows you to easily and quickly create pickups to teleport players to interiors.

The default pickup looks like this:

However, the pickup model can be changed within the CreateEnterExit function.

Here's a short video of the system in action. The code for the pickups featured in the video can be found below.



1.2 (22nd of April 2012):
- No longer using y_hooks include
- Added 'OnPlayerEnterExitInterior' callback (OnPlayerEnterExitInterior(playerid, enterexitid, oldinterior, newinterior, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z))
- returning 0 in OnPlayerEnterExitInterior will disable the teleport.

1.1 (21st Jan 2012):
- Now using y_hooks to hook callbacks
- Fixed an issue with using your own pickups alongside this include
- 'world2' parameter in CreateEnterExit now set to -1 by default.
This will prevent the player's world being changed on teleport

1.0 (12th October 2011):
- Initial release


There are 4 functions in this include:

CreateEnterExit(ieeworld, Float:ieex, Float:ieey, Float:ieez, Float:ieex2, Float:ieey2, Float:ieez2, Float:ieea, ieeinterior, ieeworld2 = -1, ieemsg[] = "", ieemodel=19198 );
- ieeworld: The virtual world to create the pickup in. Use -1 for all worlds.
- ieex, ieey, ieez: The coordinates at which to CREATE the pickup
- ieex2, ieey2, ieez2: The coordinates to teleport players to when they enter the pickup
- ieea: The angle to set for the player when they enter the pickup
- ieeinterior: The interior to set when players enter the teleport
- ieeworld2: The virtual world to set when players enter the teleport. Set to -1 to prevent world being changed
- ieemsg: A message to display to players that enter the pickup (leaving the string empty ( "" ) will show no message, it is empty by default)
- ieemodel: The model to use for the pickup (default is 19198)
Returns: The ID of the 'slot' in which the pickup is in (NOT the actual pickup's ID)

Example as seen in video:

pawn Код:
CreateEnterExit(0, -1605.5649, 711.5371, 13.8672, 246.1845,110.3962, 1003.2257, 2.6308, 10, 0, "Welcome to the {0000FF}San Fierro Police Department{FFFFFF}.");
CreateEnterExit(0, 245.69, 108, 1003.2188, -1605.4934, 714.4520, 12.8833, 0.0, 0, 0, "Left the {0000FF}San Fierro Police Department{FFFFFF}.");
CreateEnterExit(0, 1038.1981, -1339.9258, 13.7353, 377.0789, -191.3619, 1000.6328, 0, 17, 0, "Welcome to {8b4513}Jim's Ring{FFFFFF}!");
CreateEnterExit(0, 377.0221, -193.3325,1000.6328, 1038.1012, -1337, 13.7266, 0, 0, 0, "Left {8b4513}Jim's Ring{FFFFFF}. Come again soon!");
- iee_id - The ID of the enter/exit pickup to delete (returned by CreateEnterExit)
Returns: 1 if the pickup was successfully deleted, 0 on failure

- iee_id: The ID to check for exsitance
Returns: 1 if it exists, 0 if not

- No parameters. This function deletes all the pickups and resets the variables. It is not needed in a gamemode. Only use under OnFilterScriptExit (if you use this in a filterscript).
Returns: 1 - always.

1.2 brings a new callback, OnPlayerEnterExitInterior. This will be called before the teleport, which means you can return 0 in this callback to disable a teleport.

playerid, enterexitid, oldinterior, newinterior, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z
playerid - The ID of the player that entered an IEE
enterexitid - The ID of the enter/exit they entered
oldinterior - Self-explanatory
newinterior - Self-explanatory
x, y, z - The position they will be teleported to


• Download the .inc file below
• Place it in C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\pawno\include (or where ever your include folder is)
• Add " #include <iee> " at the top of your gamemode under "#include <a_samp>"
• If you require more than 100 pickups, change the value of MAX_IEE in the .inc file.

NOTE: I have not tested this in a filterscript and gamemode at the same time. Problems may arise. I suggest you only use this include in your gamemode. Not sure why you'd have it in a FS really.



No mirrors please. If the links happen to go down PM me and I'll get another one up.

Thank you!

Please leave a comment below, maybe with a suggestion! Don't forget to report any bugs also please.

Thank you.

Nice Work.

wowoww aawweessoommee,, ggood job rep+

Le bump.

Version 1.1 released. Few fixes.


Nice Work

Originally Posted by Rehasher
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Seriously? You could at least criticise it properly.
Lol same goes to you.
OT: Very useful and nice include!

I liked, congratulations.

At first I was like. WTF is this?! Then I looked into it more. Excellent! This is sick. Making interiors couldn't be easier because of this.

That was the aim! Thanks for the comment.

Added pastebin link.

nice work. this is like from server Crazybob too. the pickup

Originally Posted by mature1990
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nice work. this is like from server Crazybob too. the pickup
Well, the model is the same yes.

very nice, with this include is awesome

Originally Posted by juansrc
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very nice, with this include is awesome
Thanks, and yeah that's cool, but it's still laggy. Server-sided fading is not pretty.

What do I type ingame to create enter and exit points?

Use /save. The coordinates are saved to savedpositions.txt in My Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP.

You need to save 4 coordinates. The two pickups, and the two teleport locations. You also need to type /interior prior to /save'ing the inside teleport position and note it in /save (anything you put after '/save ' will be commented in savedpositions.txt.

So, stand at the OUTSIDE door and type
/save outside_pickup

then stand where players should appear when EXITING the interior and type
/save outside_tele

Then do the same for inside, but type /interior first then say it's 5 type
/save int_pickup (interior 5)

In the file you will find AddPlayerClass(skin,x,y,z,angle, other stuff);

You only need x, y, z and angle, and the interior.

Let me know if you need more help.

I might actually make a script to place pickups.

Well actually I was thinking about using this because I was stuck on this: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=330624 :/

Yeah I saw that thread earlier and was going to reply saying 'Use my include it will be easier' but I decided not to as I thought you explicitly wanted an /enter and /exit command.

WHere I need to put the CreateEnterExit ? At OnGameModeInt?? Or where ? Please help me

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