What is my IP..?

I've port forwarded the port 7777 and have my server running. When I go to whatismyip.com and copy the IP and put :7777 on the end whilst adding it to my favourites, it doesn't come up.

Where do I find the IP to use?

Add "localhost" to your favorites... And give external IP (the one from whatismyip.com) to other peepz. ^^

Garc1a, there are alot sites. A few:
http://ip.rl-rp.com/ (That's on my site - No advertises, long texts and such.)

Etc... You can find even more on ****** :P

However, if you used that one from that site, you should've done something wrong. Are you sure samp-server.exe was running while you wanted to test it? If it was, something went wrong with portforwarding (a mistake of yours, or a mistake in... something else.)

Nowadays there are lot of sites available to find external ip.
Recently i found ip-details.com through ****** search.Here i got accurate results.

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