PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie

You need to download a program called camhack. It lets you move freely with the cam without Cj or what every skin your are using getting in the way it is used by 90% of people in samp to create movies.

Messages In This Thread
PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by Alvin007 - 09.10.2011, 16:19
Re: PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 09.10.2011, 16:32
Re : PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by Alvin007 - 09.10.2011, 16:43
Re : PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by Alvin007 - 15.10.2011, 16:14
Re: PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by manchestera - 15.10.2011, 16:18
Re : Re: PROBLEM= PAWNO - making a movie - by Alvin007 - 15.10.2011, 16:23

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