[Question] Mysql

Hey guys,

I just found an issue with my mysql server, and some how when your connecting to the server you seems to lost the connection after a while when it's saying "joining server."

and suddenly the server restarts, it's like you have to high ping and the server automaticly restarts.

Any idйas why?

We can't read your mind. Drop your code here.

Well there aint a code for this, or maby.

I think it's something wrong with the connection to my mysql server cause of the restart.

pawn Код:
Thats the only think I can come up to that might be an issue...

which mysql plugin did you use ?

I had a problem simular to this aswell. My sever was to overloaded running with a high ammount of RAM and taking alot of CPU.. I think it was around 40% on a i7 Processor Computer which was really bad. So I sorted out a few files. Deleted some filterscripts that went in use and walla' it went down to 2%. But I advise cleaning your folder. Removing any unwanted items out of it and keeping it that way. I also advise not to use so much mapped objects with a streamer. Streamers take up aload of CPU and that's why I also had to create a new map with only cars and icons on it to work fully functionaly.

Originally Posted by NRG2
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I had a problem simular to this aswell. My sever was to overloaded running with a high ammount of RAM and taking alot of CPU.. I think it was around 40% on a i7 Processor Computer which was really bad. So I sorted out a few files. Deleted some filterscripts that went in use and walla' it went down to 2%. But I advise cleaning your folder. Removing any unwanted items out of it and keeping it that way. I also advise not to use so much mapped objects with a streamer. Streamers take up aload of CPU and that's why I also had to create a new map with only cars and icons on it to work fully functionaly.
Hmm Nice, It sounds great.
Thanks for the advice I'm going to check it right away.

If you are using G-Stylezzz's mysql plugin, yes, you will lose connection after a while. What you can do is, make a timer checking if mysql_ping == -1 and if so, use mysql_reconnect. ( Not sure if it happens on other plugins since I've only used G-Stylezzz's )

Originally Posted by [L3th4l]
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If you are using G-Stylezzz's mysql plugin, yes, you will lose connection after a while. What you can do is, make a timer checking if mysql_ping == -1 and if so, use mysql_reconnect. ( Not sure if it happens on other plugins since I've only used G-Stylezzz's )
At the moment the first tips I got didn't work, going to test this out.
Thanks alot, just a quick questions under which public section should I pust this mysql_reconnect and mysql_ping?

Regards Tony,

Like L3th4l said, create a timer.
Im not sure about the MySQL functions, but with this youre able to continue:
pawn Код:
new MySQLTimer; // global variable for the timer
forward MySQLChecker(); // forwarding the timer

MySQLTimer = SetTimer("MySQLChecker", 3000 /*can be more, can be less etc*/, true); // add this to OnGameModeInit

public MySQLChecker()
    // MySQL functions to check the ping etc
    return 1;

KillTimer(MySQLTimer); // add this on OnGameModeExit

You don't actually need a 3 second timer, it disconnects after a while running. So I say you use a ~15 min timer.

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