Why do...

Why do ALL scripters want money? Like I get that it takes time , but if anyone even makes a simple thread, just wondering if anyone who likes to script wants to help script a server, the only response that topic will get is stuff like - No money no Honey...

Most of the people around here that want other people to script for them have got (or are going to have) a server which isn't going to last long, so why put so much work in it as a scripter for something like that? If people get the money to do a script and actually make a script, it's not so much of concern to them what happens to the server running that script afterwards.

Plus that people who want a server with a script, but can script themselves, are more likely to have a successful server.

Because scripting is not a game.
And what people request is hard, so why would you waste your time on doing something hard when you won't get any reward?

No money no Honey

I see, but why don't advanced scripters ever help with these servers maybe teaching the other people how to scriptbetter?

Originally Posted by Dominiic
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I see, but why don't advanced scripters ever help with these servers maybe teaching the other people how to scriptbetter?

Not enough?

Theres not a lot of topics talking about the pawno lango, so yes if you understand it that's helpful , if you don't it's not.

Originally Posted by Dominiic
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Theres not a lot of topics talking about the pawno lango, so yes if you understand it that's helpful , if you don't it's not.
Search, then ask.

Originally Posted by Dominiic
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Theres not a lot of topics talking about the pawno lango, so yes if you understand it that's helpful , if you don't it's not.
There is not a lot of topics on teaching pawn (its called pawn, pawno is just a script editor) [Actually there are some nice tutorials around here] since most of everything is covered in the language .pdf files from compuphase website. Just scroll down to Documentation and you will see Gentle Introduction to Programming, Pawn Language Guide, also it may help to read up on the Float Point Library, File I/O Support and String Manipulation Guide. Reading those is a good start to determine if you think scripting is right for you and if you want to pursue it, also it may help you to understand why some people charge for their work. Seeing that scripting can be just like work -.-' (albeit fun at times).

A scripter giving a helping hand by fixing the odd piece of coding is always nice and is usually greatly appreciated, but expecting a scripter to help you make a fully functional advanced server takes a lot of time....people work on these scripts for months and months, taking days and days to possibly fix one little problem that hangs them up...would you do that for free if you had the knowledge knowing the time it takes?

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