[Tutorial]Starting Up A Successful Server

Starting Up A Successful Server
So you wanna start your own server? Then take a look here! This tutorial will guide you into creating a great, thriving server.

Owning a server is a major responsibility, its like having a new pet, they're quite fragile and they always need nurturing. To create a Successful server, you need the following things:
  • Time
  • Hosting
  • Ideas
  • Cash
  • Someone to support you!
When I said someone to support you, I never meant a team of 40 admins! Having admin responsibility should be given out when a player has worked hard on the server, given a few MAJOR contributions and has been online a long time. You don't want your playerbase to be 100% admin right? An admin to player ratio should be 1:30 (admins/mods:registered players).

You gotta' be strict and stick by your word. You definitely cannot create a server on soft ground!
You got to have the time to work hard on the server, no point if your never going to be there!

With regards to hosting: Using a hosting company is a definite, home hosting is unreliable!

Ideas is what makes a server what it is, they need to be unique ideas so you are competing with the rival server(s).

Some cash handy is a must in situations when you want to buy hosted list or renew your server! Cant run a server without this! If your playerbase is big enough, you could think about setting up a donation system!

When running a server, let the people that are on the server get to know you! People feel a little more comfortable on the server when they know the 'big boss' themselves. REMEMBER: Be nice if you want them to stay! Restrain your ban hammer for people you don't like!

Monitor your admin team! After a while your admin team WILL start to get cocky, and sometimes too big for their own boots! Make sure you have a firm set of rules for them to run by.

Advertise. Go in head on, create an attractive and good looking advertisment: Click Here To View The Successful Advertising Tutorial!

Finally, YOU are in control, although at times it may seem you are not in very much control, you are. If something is going wrong, stop the server, have a good think and then re-start it. There is nothing worse when you dig a deeper and deeper hole!

Finally, keep going! Dont give up because no-one is online! KEEP MOVING up!



EDITED: Thanks Ashy


Some cash handy is always really helpful in situations when you want to buy hosted list or renew your server! Cant run a server without this! If your playerbase is big enough, you could think about setting up a donation system!

It isn't really helpful.
It's a must. Merely because you're going to need as much as you can get! Think about it, without money, you can't host anything...
Which means you'll then want to home host
Which means you'll then come here, finding out how to port-forward

And so on and so forth.

If you can, I recommend purchasing a dedicated server (or high-spec VPS) - because then you are bound by limits set by noone but yourself. However, I'd only recommend this if you have a serious amount of time on your hands, as it does require much more management than a hosted server.

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