23.09.2011, 17:19
Hi. I got this wierd bug with textdraw string.
The textdraws started mixing into eachother, like admin duty textdraw show up in speedometer textdraw box.
After some research on forums here i re-aranged the textdraws and made them like this:
'new Text:AdminDutyTD = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW; '
It works to some point, then the admin duty textdraw change string to 'Blueberry acres', that belongs in the area textdraw but i cant find a solution that really works.
For now i just did a cheap manipulation with TextDrawSetString inside a timer to set back to ADmin Duty.
But it isnt perfect solution cuz it keeps changing string anyway, even tho it sets back to correct with TDSetString..
Anyone have experience of how to solve this td mess?
The textdraws started mixing into eachother, like admin duty textdraw show up in speedometer textdraw box.
After some research on forums here i re-aranged the textdraws and made them like this:
'new Text:AdminDutyTD = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW; '
It works to some point, then the admin duty textdraw change string to 'Blueberry acres', that belongs in the area textdraw but i cant find a solution that really works.
For now i just did a cheap manipulation with TextDrawSetString inside a timer to set back to ADmin Duty.
But it isnt perfect solution cuz it keeps changing string anyway, even tho it sets back to correct with TDSetString..
Anyone have experience of how to solve this td mess?