Anyone know what is these?

Does anyone know what these can be?
Its used to be Float (100% sure)but these e-06 confuse me!
So if anyone know what is these can you post documentation about these crap pls?

[EDIT]Ok just founded out these have to do something with 4D coordinates (its 4th coordinate)....

4 dimensions? not in that case, i think. look here:
your number -1.87637258215e-6 equals -1876372.58215
you got 1.03e-3 posts,
your reputation count is 0.15000e-2,
ah, you got 0.5e-1 stars below your name
i remember it with that simple "formula": E = shift the comma to the right so the number gets larger. decimal indeed.

Ok English Please? LOL

Edited What exactly are we talking here? Math or Scripting

thats not english. its just scientific notation. grab any calculator, and type
it will print something like 1.9e19 ? this could be like 1.9 , shifting the comma 19 digits to the right. thats
199,999,999,999,999,999,999 then. no calculator can display that large numbers coz the display is too small.
so it will tell you "the number starts with 1 and got 19 digits behind. quite large. 1.9 fantasticillions? ^^
1e3 is 1.000 times 10^3, which is 1000 btw, so you get your 1 with 3 more zeros. thats a thousand.
e30= ? = amount of atoms in our universe? didnt count them yet ^^

EDIT bk: math, my favorite btw heheh

new count;for(new id=0;id<MAX_PLAYERS;id++){for(new id2=0;id<MAX_PLAYERS;id++){count++;}}
the variable "count" will result in 500*500, or 250000, or:
0.5e2 * 0.5e2 = (0.5*0.5)e4 = 250000
 500  *  500  = ( 0.25 ) e4 = 250000

................/me is blow away lol I know how to do x/8 + 99/55 Lmao...So this like like
10,000,000,000 = 1.0 x 10 to the 10 power

Ok its seems that i will need to rely fuck up my brain...
Thx man i will try to understand it (even match is my pain in ass in school)

@payton326: yes. 10^10 = a 1 with 10 zeros (10 digits): 10,000,000,000
so if you have 2e10, then its 2 * 10^10, thats 20,000,000,000.

@DRIFT_HUNTER: hm. try to see the "e" as part of "movE (the comma)"...
that notation is hard to read, you dont "see" how long a number is..
OH, its like the strlen()! so if you got any numer like $ "13337" how long is it (after the first char "1")?
strlen("13337") == 5, subtract one from that stlen for the "1", add the dot:
and then use the 4 (strlen of "3337") and put it behind the "1." (including some more detail like the "333" after the 1.:
"1.333e4", same as
"0.1333e5", same as
"0.01333e6", etc

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