[GameMode] [GM]Protect The Prime Minister v6.00

Hi this is my gamemode Protect The Prime Minister.It's based on Sandra18[NL]'s Protect The Prime Minister.I edited it alot

1830 vehicles. I didn't make them
Changed the names of the classes.
I added a simple VIP and moderator system.
Added an Anti-rpg and minigun hack.
Added Anti-Desktop- If the player is AFK for more than 5 minutes the server is going to kick him. I didn't make this

Normal player commands:

/Cmds-shows the list of all normal player commands
/Para-gives the player a parachute
/Speedo-Turns on and off the speedometer. I didn't make the speedometer
/Ccolor [colorid][colorid]-it changes the color of the car you are in
/Report [targetid] [reason]-it sends a report to the online admins and it saves the report to the file (Reports.txt). I didnt make this command
/Pk [targetid]-it kicks the selected player from your car. I didnt make this command
/Reclass-it shows the list of all the classes
/Kill-it kills you
/Sync-it syncronize's you
/Pm [targetid] [message]-it sends a private message to the selected player.Im using the default Pm system from the file (Base.amx) I just edited it a bit
/Skin-it shows the list of available skins
/Ej-it ejects you from your rustler and gives you a parachute
* msvu [message]-I cant explaind just see it
/Dub [message]-its going to make a chatbubble above your head
/Anims-it shows the list of the available animations.Not much I think 4-5 animations
/Stats [targetid]-it shows the selected player's stats.Only kills and deaths
/Score-it shows how much the terrorists won and how much the prime minister survived

VIP commands:
/Vcmds-it shows you the available VIP commands
/Hyd-it gives you hydraulics to your car
/Nos-it gives you nitros to your car
/Rim-it gives you rimshine wheels to your car
/Vweps-it gives you a chainsaw and a sniper rifle
/Visland-it teleports you to the vip island. I didnt make the island
/Away-it teleports you to your spawn point if you are at Visland

Moderator commands:

/Acmds-shows the available moderator commands
/Rest-it spawns you to a restraunt or something
/Andro-it spawns you at a plane high in the air
/Aisland-it spawns you to the admin island. I didnt make the island
/Get [targetid]-it ports the selected player to you
/Goto [targetid]-it ports you to the selected player
/Freeze [targetid]-it freezes the selected player
/Unfreeze [targetid]-it unfreezes the selected player
/Spec [targetid]-it spectates the selected player
/Specoff-it stops the spectate
/Kick [targetid]-it kicks the selected player
* msvu slaps [targetid]-its going to slap the selected player around a bit with a large trout.
/Explode [targetid]-it explodes the selected player
/Staff-it changes your skin to 217
/Stafff-it changes your skin to 211
/Ip [targetid]-it shows the selected player ip
/Disarm [targetid]-It disarms the selected player
/Cell1-5-it creates a cell.I cant explane it well so please just see it
/Rcell1-5-it removes the selected cell
/Burn-it burns the selected player

Admin commands:
All of the moderator commands
/Acmds-it shows the available admin commands
/Setvip [targetid]-it makes the selected player a VIP
/Delvip [targetid]-it makes the selected VIP to a normal player
/Setmod [targetid]-it makes the selected player a Moderator
/Setvip [targetid]-it makes the selected Moderator a normal player
/Ban [targetid]-it bans the selected player
/Resetscores-it deletes all the scores not the stats.Just see it
/Resetcars-it reset all the cars.Even in a player is in a car it will be restarted
/Weather-you can choose from 4-5 weather types that everybody will see. I didnt make this command
/Ahouse-it spawns you to the admin house. I didnt make the house
/Nrg-it spawns an Nrg

Known bugs:
Sometimes when the prime minister survives the server may crash.I dont know why.It happened once
I know that there are more bugs but I cant remember them now.Sorry

Things that I want to make but dont know how:
Vice Minister
/Cc-randomly changes the carcolor of the player's car
/Duel command
/Mute command with timer.For example /mute 4 9 and its going to mute id 4 for 9 minutes
/Jail command with timer.For example /jail 4 9 and its going to jail id 4 for 9 minutes

Things that I dont want to make:
World boundaries

Im a beginner so please dont be so hard on me
And if somebody that thinks that its coppyed from PTP hes right most of the things are coppyed
Sorry for english Im from Bulgaria

good! 9/10
keep it up!

Originally Posted by [GTA]AmericanGangster
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good! 9/10
keep it up!

Can you put pictures?

Originally Posted by kodiak
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Can you put pictures?
I dont have much things to show.Just find and see if you like it

Nothing special..

What did you do really? A couple of commands just. Be more creative bro. But keep up the work.

Originally Posted by Darklom
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Nothing special..


nice. You should try out dr.pepper's ptpm v6.5!

Originally Posted by Neonman
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nice. You should try out dr.pepper's ptpm v6.5!
Tnx .I dont like mysql

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