[FilterScript] Deathmatch MiniGame [FS]

The Idea:Well, After my first release of Simple Job I decided I would put everything I have learned so far to this Filterscript. With the help of the SA-MP community, I would like to bring to you.Deathmatch MiniGame

Before I explain this Filterscript, I would like to tell you where I got the map idea from. I was searching the forums and found something cool. I then found a map created by Black_Death. I thought it was pretty cool, so I took the idea into consideration. I started to map something similar to his, and then the map was created. If you would like to see his, you can visit https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=281199
He did not create this map, I did. I just got the idea from him.
The map still needs some work, and I plan on updating it in the future. But for now, this will do.

Now I will explain the Filterscript

~Deathmatch MiniGame~

What it is: Well, it's simple. Someone creates the event, then if you decide to join, you type /join. Once you join, you will be teleported to a arena. There is two bases. (I haven't scripted teams yet) You must then run to any base, go inside and run next to some crates. (Weapon Crates) Once you are by them, type /getweapons for a list of weapons. Also, while you are inside, you can type /vest to get a vest. (Be aware, you can only get one every 45 seconds) Now you must kill everyone inside the map to win. (I will script rewards for the winner if you guys want me to)


Commands: /event - /join - /cancel - /getweapons - /vest - ADMIN COMMAND: /minigame (This will teleport you to the area, but if you die. You will not be refunded)

The Download: http://solidfiles.com/d/2312/

Credits: (Sorry if I forget some names, just post and I'll add you.)
- Me
- Voldemort
- Yammo
- Davz*|*Criss
-  RelaxCafe
- G4M3Ov3r
- PrawkC
- Jafet_Macario
- [O.z]Caroline
- Basicz
- grand.Theft.Otto
- Kush
(If you want your name removed for any reason, let me know)

V1.0 - Initial release

Good job, on your 2nd FS.

Just added a video.

Originally Posted by rangerxxll
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Just added a video.
Needs some more work put to it tho.

Originally Posted by G4M3Ov3r
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Needs some more work put to it tho.
Yea, I'm going to be updating it frequently.

Looks pretty cool man, nice FS.

Originally Posted by Jordan69
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Looks pretty cool man, nice FS.

Taking idea's for my next Filterscript.

Nice man its pretty cool

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