How to save things with DIni

Hi, i made a VIP system. You can select a [DONATE] tag for your name. But i want if you disable it, that if you login again, it keeps disabled. It needs to save! I used this code for if you enable/disable. Everything works fine, only i want that it saves

if(listitem == 1)
        	    if(donate[playerid] == 0)
        	    	donate[playerid] = 1;
           			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[V.I.P] "green"The donators tag have now been turned "white"off!");
           			return 1;
				else if(donate[playerid] == 1)
        	    	donate[playerid] = 0;
           			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[V.I.P] "green"The donators tag have now been turned "white"on!");
           			return 1;
So, it needs to save. If its disabled, in your next visit it should be disabled to. How to make that ?
may be ini to, idk whats faster?

y_ini is the best solution I think.

Originally Posted by Kingunit
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y_ini is the best solution I think.
U have a nice tut that i also can use for this?

Click here! Also you can play around with my gamemode in my signature.

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