10.09.2011, 19:31
Последний раз редактировалось Bloodangel; 10.09.2011 в 20:05.
this is my first post in this Forum.
If my english is bad its not my Mistake it is even the mistake of my keyboard.
If got a problem with my helpdesk.
If i join there are no mistakes all is updating very well. But if i go zo a house(haus in the script)
i become a report crash. If got no Error or Warnings. I must Stop the Loop cause else it show always other houses and not this what i want to. If you got questions about the language its german normaly i ask there if i've got questions but there nobody is answering. Now here the Code:
Pawno Code:
//Edit I now searched again in Wiki.
If i do it what Wiki means i become a Report-Crash if i join:
PWN Code:
Else if i do break; anywhere in the Code i become a Error only these 2 positions are right without errors.
Why is it always wrong? How can i fix it.
With best regards
this is my first post in this Forum.
If my english is bad its not my Mistake it is even the mistake of my keyboard.
If got a problem with my helpdesk.
If i join there are no mistakes all is updating very well. But if i go zo a house(haus in the script)
i become a report crash. If got no Error or Warnings. I must Stop the Loop cause else it show always other houses and not this what i want to. If you got questions about the language its german normaly i ask there if i've got questions but there nobody is answering. Now here the Code:
Pawno Code:
public HelpdeskUp(playerid) { new hour,minute,second; new hdesk[500]; gettime(hour,minute,second); new day,month,year; getdate(year,month,day); new plname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],astring[50]; GetPlayerName(playerid, plname, sizeof(plname)); if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 0){ format(astring,80,"Normal"); } if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 1) { format(astring,80,"Supporter"); } else if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 2) { format(astring,80,"Moderator"); } else if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 3) { format(astring,80,"Suprt Moderator"); } else if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 4) { format(astring,80,"Administrator"); } else if(pInfo[playerid][admin] == 5) { format(astring,80,"Serverletiung"); } for(new haus=1;haus<MAX_HAUS;haus++) { if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,2,HausInfo[haus][haus_x],HausInfo[haus][haus_y],HausInfo[haus][haus_z])) { format(hdesk,sizeof(hdesk)," ~w~.::Hilfeleiste::.~n~~n~~w~Rang:~r~%s~n~~w~Uhrzeit: ~g~%d:%d %d ~n~~w~Datum: ~g~%d.%d.%d~n~~w~Dein Nickname: ~g~%s~n~~w~Dein ID:%d~n~~w~Kontostand: ~y~%d$ ~n~~w~Hunger/Durst: ~g~%d~n~~w~Energie: ~g~%d~n~~w~Harndrang: ~g~%d",astring,hour,minute,second,day,month,year,plname,playerid,pInfo[playerid][pBank],pInfo[playerid][hunger],pInfo[playerid][energie],pInfo[playerid][harndrang]); TextDrawSetString(Helpdesk, hdesk); } else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,HausInfo[haus][haus_x],HausInfo[haus][haus_y],HausInfo[haus][haus_z])) { format(hdesk,sizeof(hdesk)," ~w~.::Hilfeleiste::.~n~~n~~w~Rang:~r~%s~n~~w~Uhrzeit: ~g~%d:%d %d ~n~~w~Datum: ~g~%d.%d.%d~n~~w~Dein Nickname: ~g~%s~n~~w~Dein ID:%d~n~~w~Kontostand: ~y~%d$ ~n~~w~Hunger/Durst: ~g~%d~n~~w~Energie: ~g~%d~n~~w~Harndrang: ~g~%d~n~~n~~w~.::Hausinfo::..~n~~n~~w~Besitzer: %s ~n~Preis: %d$~n~Miete: %d$~n~Mieter 1: %s~n~Mieter 2: %s~n~Mieter 3: %s~n~Mieter 4: %s~n~Mieter 5: %s", astring,hour,minute,second,day,month,year,plname,playerid,pInfo[playerid][pBank],pInfo[playerid][hunger],pInfo[playerid][energie],pInfo[playerid][harndrang],HausInfo[haus][haus_besitzer],HausInfo[haus][haus_preis],HausInfo[haus][Mieter1],HausInfo[haus][Mieter2],HausInfo[haus][Mieter3],HausInfo[haus][Mieter4],HausInfo[haus][Mieter5]); TextDrawSetString(Helpdesk, hdesk); break; } } SetWorldTime(hour); return 1; }
If i do it what Wiki means i become a Report-Crash if i join:
PWN Code:
else if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid,5,HausInfo[haus][haus_x],HausInfo[haus][haus_y],HausInfo[haus][haus_z])) break;
Why is it always wrong? How can i fix it.
With best regards