How do i setup an audio plugin?

a simply audio plugin for IN CARS.

/play, /stop , and all that stuff

I have the includes.. just missing the info.

This is support, not request.


Helpers get a +rep cookie!!^^

Audio_Play(playeridi, audioid, false, false, false);

or w/e

Don't get it.. using strcmp.. please help.. even about connecting to FTP and such

48 hour bump from original time. Need this ASAP.

What Snipa meant, is using IsPlayerInAnyVehicle in your script and under it, the necessary function that's included in the Audio plugin.

Here is some tips with what to start

pawn Код:
new AudioOn[MAX_VEHICLES]; // On/Off also use OnPlayerEnterVehicle or at OnPlayerStateChange to sync
new AudioSource[MAX_VEHICLES]; // Audio source for stream, when someone enter car starts to play source
new AudioOnForPlayer[MAX_PLAYERS]; //To check if player hear music from car if yes on exit stop
you can make some 1 dialog where is all commands - start,stop,pause,volume etc

And use Audio_PlayStreamed(playerid,Stream,false,true,fals e);

If you want make really great its abit complicated, just remember you need to resync when ever someone change source in a car, so if there is others they also hear

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