[Include] OnPlayerShootPlayer (90% Accurate) v1

http://solidfiles.com/d/cfb1c/download/ (for loop players)
http://solidfiles.com/d/7e541/download/ (foreach fast)
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Y3PhJ0B2

Wait ..

Plug and Play:

pawn Код:
#include playershoot

public OnPlayerShootPlayer(shootid, playerid, Float:health, wep)
    return true;
- Note:
The pos z being arranged

Created by Bruno da Silva (yes, he is drakins)
Thanks to [S]trong (Robson, me) and CyNiC (Allan Jader)


Version with bForeach (fasthest):

- http://solidfiles.com/d/7e541/download/

(From BSI, Sorry Double-Post)

- [S]trong

Why the bloody devil are you IPS guys always claiming that your scripts are the fastest?
And this without real evidence?

Originally Posted by Double-O-Seven
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Why the bloody devil are you IPS guys always claiming that your scripts are the fastest?
And this without real evidence?

If the project is fast, put when is fast

(In this topic, did not talk about speed)



And this without real evidence?

If you are talking about foreach, admit. Not It is better than the foreach ****** (few functions), BUT has the SAME speed to while

Another comment:
Have you ever heard of GetPlayerCameraFrontVector function? This would make the whole thing much more accurate instead of just checking angles and position.
Take a look at wups' OnPlayerShootPlayer which is a very good and efficient implementation of this.

The accurate of include OnPlayerShootPlayer from wups was around 30% (yes CyNiC and DraKiNs tests with me)
Therefore it is not as efficient GetPlayerFromCameraVector (only efficient if correct best use)

Originally Posted by [S]trong
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The accurate of include OnPlayerShootPlayer from wups was around 30% (yes CyNiC and DraKiNs tests with me)
Therefore it is not as efficient GetPlayerFromCameraVector (only efficient if correct best use)
Then I strongly consider you getting more reliable "tests" (that goes for the speed tests as well).

I've done tests, it is faster than the include wups. (wups calculations are more accurate, but the lag messed up)
Note the code it is uses small snippet of code and few loops

Originally Posted by [S]trong
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I've done tests, it is faster than the include wups. (wups calculations are more accurate, but the lag messed up)
Note the code it is uses small snippet of code and few loops
It's not the includes' problem, that your server is lagging.

Originally Posted by wups
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It's not the includes' problem, that your server is lagging.
the others servers too?



To be honest, I haven't ever had problem with wups' OPSP. I'll try to make one and let's test it all

No way! The possibility of two servers having lag issues in SA:MP?! That's out of this world!

Also, at least translate it if you're going to be posting that "proof".


No No, nothing to see, the include is great, because a LAG OnPlayerUpdate of hell!


I tested include the wups, gave a lot of lag and because of this we OnPlayerShootPlayer fumbled, leading to an accuracy of 30%.

All in all, I admire the calculations made by wups, must have given work, he just needed to be implemented correctly.


Originally Posted by Bakr
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No way! The possibility of two servers having lag issues in SA:MP?! That's out of this world!

Also, at least translate it if you're going to be posting that "proof".
His only showing a post he posted himself. Where is the "proof"?

I don't understand why kiddo's come here and claim they have made better and faster scripts than what is already out there. Especially here, claiming they have written a faster version of foreach- how the hell is that possible? I think ****** would know more than some idiot who just wants to seem cool. Yet... people argue that ****** is wrong all the time, and, from what I've seen, he isn't.

Now seriously kid, get a life.

Test yourself, I did not get particularly good results using that include wups, the include of Bruno's was perfect, except the possible exceptions of Z ..

No one here spoke of foreach is faster than the *****, creature, foreach of ****** is best better foreach of bruno, but the velocity of execution is SAME

They did not like the job? I do not see any error

RealCop228: What? Stupid, learn to have respect before heading to me this way

Only participated in some testing helps the developer to find fault, it is faster than previously done, I can not say. Only say it is effective.

For the love of god, stop using a translator, it annoys the fuck out of me and I don't understand half of what you're saying.

Now I'm not particulary a fan of wup's include, but this is certainly not going to be more accurate. I never really jumped into wup's include but I can see why it might cause lagg, because of the constant calculation under OPU, that might be wrong, but I haven't really checked it. This version might, if my assumption is right, give less server sided lagg, but I atleast want to see proof first, also your calculations are less accurate from a mathmatical point of view.

Playerboy: sorry, i do not speak English

Look this for lag/speed tests

80 playuers, 1000 shoots, 100 ms +-

And i not a iPs guy dude.

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