Strange question mark in gameplay.

Hi all!

I am playing in a cool server that got some objects attached to vehicles and stuff to the body and to the guns.

But i can't see it (see below)

At the place you see this question mark there was suppose to be a laser pointer.

Looks like custom objects added in 0.3c are missing from your computer, try reinstalling sa-mp.

i already did that like 3 times but no results.
I was able to see the objects before i think when i was using .3c r1.
but i dunno if its a version problem.

i really need some help concerning this!

Check with the server owners/admins to see if they added custom objects to their server. You may be required to download their custom object package to see these objects.

Yes it got some custom objects but before i did not have such a problem!

I got the same problem with multiply 0.3c objects, like the scaffoldlift, everybody in my server sees a questionmark.

Any idea how to fix?

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