[FilterScript] AnimCool (The Best System Of Animations)

AnimCool is a system of animations very usful created by my. AnimCool has many tools for example the easy preview of animations without need write the name of animations, the creation of commands ingame customizable, etc...

Preview of animations:
For access you need use the command "/FSAnimCool" and will show the follow menu:
1.[play] Use AnimCool Preview Of Animations.
2.[setp] Allow Another Use The AnimCool Preview Of Animations.
3.[speed] Set The Animation Speed. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)
4.[loop] Set The Loop Animation. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)
5.[lockx] Set Return Player To Original X Position After Animation Is Complete. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)
6.[locky] Set Return Player To Original Y Position After Animation Is Complete. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)
7.[freeze] Set If The Player Freeze In End Position Of The Animation. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)
8.[time] Set Timer In Millisecconds. For A Never Ending Loop It Should Be 0. (only modify the animations in the preview animations)

At the beginning of the preview of animations you will see a map of keys to switch to the next or previous library or animation
To hide the key map you can use the command "/HideAnimTD."
To play a specific animation you can use the command "/PlayAnimID [AnimationID]."
To exit the preview of animations you can use the command "/ExitPrevAnim."

Give The Animations IDs:
For give the id of any animation you can use the function "GetAnimID(AnimationName[ ])" in your script for example:
new animid = GetAnimID("thrw_barl_thrw"); //and "thrw_barl_thrw" is the first animation then animid = 0
If the animationname not exist then the function return -1
Or you can use the comand "/GetAnimationID [AnimationName]"

Play An Animation ID:
Is similar to ApplyAnimation but now the function is "AnimPlay(playerid, animid, Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time)"

Create Custom Animation Commands:
The command for create a new animation command is "/NewAnimCMD [AnimationID] [CommandName] [Additionals]"
(m[MESSAGE]) Write a new message (SendClientMessage) to send with the animation (can be used several times to send several different messages).
(\p) is written in the message and shows the name of the player using the command such as "m[*\p takes a seat]" and the message would be displayed like this: "*Miguel Leopold takes a seat".
(\c[COLORHEX]) To put one or more colors in a message such as "m[\c[0000FF]* \p takes a seat]" and then look like this: "* Miguel Leopold takes a seat".
(d[Float: DISTANCE]) If used, show the messages to nearby players in the distance range of player I use the command.
(a[Speed,Loop,Lockx,Locky,Freeze,Time]) modifies the parameters of the animation, the default is to [3.0,0,0,0,1,0].
(\v) Indicates that the command will be able to use in a vehicle (by default you can not use the commands in a car) (We recommend putting it at the end of the additionals).
Note: If you write a message and ignores the distance the message is sent only when I use the command.
Attention with "\" (is backslash not slash sample)
A good example of creating a new command would be:
"/NewAnimCMD 1 /seat m[\c[0000FF]* \p take a seat]m[\c[FF0000]((comfortable seat))]d[9.3]a[4.1,0,0,0,1,0]\v"
and when using the command would look like:
//(Animation ID 1 plays on the player that used the command)
* Miguel Leopold take a seat
((Comfortable seating))
//(Messages are sent to nearby players A 9.3 units)

To delete any command AnimCool done using the command "/SuprAnimCMD[Command name]."

To set a command to clean up the animations a player uses the "/SetClearAnimsCMD [Command name]."

Exclusive Administration:
The admin functions may use only those which it identifies as administrator
A player can be identified as Administrator in AnimCool in three ways:
1. Login as RCON Admin "/rcon login [password]" in the game.
2. Using the function "AdminFSAnimCool(playerid)" within the GameMode.
3. Using the command "/IsAdminAC [playerid]" in the game to another player identified as an administrator AnimCool.
Note: The latter is only allowed to use already identified as administrators in the filterscript.


Download The FilterScript AnimCool:

Download The FilterScript AnimCool (pwn):

Download The Include For The New Functions:

keep it up!

Good start.

Well done, REP++.


Sweet, I like the idea of creating custom animations!


Cool Nice Work


Include an anim name list (maybe in dialogs)
I bet It's annoying going to search for their name for end-users

The Best System - LOL

Originally Posted by Phanto90
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Include an anim name list (maybe in dialogs)
I bet It's annoying going to search for their name for end-users
i not understand xD
give me an example


Create Custom Animation Commands:

Eh, I don't understand :P

Originally Posted by letters
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Eh, I don't understand :P
yea only use the command "/NewAnimCMD".
for example you can use "/NewAnimCMD 1 /seat" and will playing the animation id 1 when typing the command "seat".
PD: if you do not understand the additional parameters, are optional



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