Top 5 Kills as Textdraw

Hey guys,
I want to do a Textdraw. In that Textdraw should be shown the Top
5 Killers who are connected or saved in a file
SO the Textdraws i still have.
But i don't know how to script it that it will shown the Top 5.

Hope you understand me.

Do you have already the textdraw?

More importantly, what file system do you use?

I forgot to say that i still have the Textdraws create and the file system i use is
SII (Slicks Ini Include)

Drop down the textdraw so we can use it ... And did you gave it already a try?

You will have trouble getting the top 5 from userfiles using anything apart from sql. (unless you have all users in one file, which isn't a good idea)

So let's make it like when they are connected. It will saved in a variable called Player[playerid][Kills],
and yes i gave it a try but i can only do it for the most Kills for one Player.

edit: TextDraw:
T5Kills = TextDrawCreate(507.000000, 102.000000," ");
        TextDrawBackgroundColor(T5Kills, COLOR_BLACK);
 	TextDrawFont(T5Kills, 3);
 	TextDrawLetterSize(T5Kills, 0.5,1.5);
 	TextDrawColor(T5Kills, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE);
 	TextDrawSetOutline(T5Kills, 2);
 	TextDrawSetShadow(T5Kills, 0);

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