15.08.2011, 20:42
Hello, how can I do. As police, FBI, and doctors do not take the radar.
I think you need this:
And this :
PS:I used this fs :http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...hlight=gcamera
I think you need this:
PHP код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 1)
public UpdateCameras() { for(new a = 0;a<MAX_PLAYERS;a++) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(a)) continue; if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(a)) continue; if(GetPVarInt(a,"PlayerHasBeenFlashed") == 1) { continue; } else if (GetPVarInt(a,"PlayerHasBeenFlashed") == 2) { DeletePVar(a,"PlayerHasBeenFlashed"); continue; } for(new b = 0;b<loaded_cameras +1;b++) { if(SpeedCameras[b][_active] == false) continue; if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(a,SpeedCameras[b][_range],SpeedCameras[b][_x],SpeedCameras[b][_y],SpeedCameras[b][_z])) { new speed = floatround(GetVehicleSpeed(GetPlayerVehicleID(a),S peedCameras[b][_usemph])); new limit = SpeedCameras[b][_limit]; if(speed > limit) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(a,flash); #if CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE == true SetPlayerCameraPos(a,SpeedCameras[b][_x],SpeedCameras[b][_y],SpeedCameras[b][_z] + 5); new Float,Float:y,Float:z;GetPlayerPos(a,x,y,z); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(a,x,y,z); #endif SetPVarInt(a,"PlayerHasBeenFlashed",1); SetTimerEx("RemoveFlash",CAMERA_FLASH_TIME,false," i",a); if(GetPlayerState(a) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) { if(SpeedCameras[b][_usemph] == 0) { SendClientMessageEx(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sisis","Atentie! Conduci cu viteza prea mare,ai fost prins circuland cu viteza de ",speed,"KM/H,cand viteza legala in aceasta zona este ",limit, "KM/H."); SendClientMessageEx(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sis","Ai primit o amenda in valoare de $",SpeedCameras[b][_fine],"."); } else { SendClientMessageEx(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sisis","You are driving too fast! you got busted driving ",speed,"mph where you were allowed to drive ",limit, "mph."); SendClientMessageEx(a,0xFF1E00FF,"sis","You got yourself a fine of $",SpeedCameras[b][_fine],"."); } GivePlayerMoney(a, - SpeedCameras[b][_fine]); } } } } } } |