14.08.2011, 19:47
hey guys i have make map change system ... but when its come to change the map its not work its let me in 1 map here is the script i made
and at the first i add those
and at the first i add those
new MapChange; forward StartedNewRound(); NewMapTimer(playerid);
OnGameModeInit() { SetTimer("NewMapTimer",9000,true); MapChange= 0; return 1; }
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { switch( MapChange ) { case 0:{ SetPlayerPos(playerid,-249.95, -34.06, 3.00); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,180.00); } case 1:{ SetPlayerPos(playerid,2488.54, 653.64, 11.00); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,84.00); } }
public NewMapTimer(playerid) { MapChange++; GameTextForAll("~b~ Loading new ~w~MAP",4000,3); SetTimer("StartedNewRound",4000,false); return 1; }
public StartedNewRound() { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { SpawnPlayer ( i ) ; switch ( MapChange ) { case 0:{ SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_GREEN,"Map Name: Shipment"); } case 1: { SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_GREEN,"Map Name: Asian Shipment"); } } } return 1; }