11.08.2011, 00:06
Hee guys,
How can i save score when the server restarts?
How can i save score when the server restarts?
enum PlayerData { Registered, LoggedIn, Level, Muted, Caps, Jailed, JailTime, Frozen, FreezeTime, Kills, Deaths, hours, mins, secs, TotalTime, ConnectTime, MuteWarnings, Warnings, Spawned, TimesSpawned, Score, God, GodCar, DoorsLocked, SpamCount, SpamTime, PingCount, PingTime, BotPing, pPing[PING_MAX_EXCEEDS], blip, blipS, pColour, pCar, SpecID, SpecType, bool:AllowedIn, FailLogin, };