[GameMode] Carson Takeover [Version 0.1] > Scarred

Carson Takeover!
Version 0.2

Carson Takeover is my first released gamemode, and I plan on updating it with new features as time goes by.. So feel free to post a reply, and suggest features and improvements, along with report the bugs you've found. This gamemode is scripted using Y_CMD, Y_INI, foreach, and SSCANF2, if you do not have these includes, they are provided for you in the full package download below. Mirrors are always accepted.

In Carson Takeover, there are two teams - The Local Police, and the Rebels. It's not an original concept, I know, but it's fun when you just have a few friends that wish to mess around on a local server with you. There is friendly fire, and unless a bunch of you want me to add it, it will remain like that. There are also three classes within each team.

"Heavy" Gunner
Has the access to heavy weapons such as Assault Rifles, and Country Rifles.. Does not have access to a "secondary" weapon such as a pistol or SMG.
"Light" Patrol
Has access to "secondary" weapons such as a pistol or SMG, but does not have access to heavy weapons such as assualt rifles or country rifles.
Does not have access to a weapon other than a fire extinguisher and a country rifle, but can heal other players. (Has a cool-down timer of 15 seconds)
Full package download [0.2] (Primary Mirror)
Pastebin [0.2] (Secondary Mirror)

Full package download [0.1] (Primary Mirror)
Pastebin [0.1] (Secondary Mirror)

Preview of the Achievement system - Introduced in 0.2

0.2 - Just released

Nice one but put some pictures

Originally Posted by ShOoBy
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Nice one but put some pictures
Well, there's not really too much to take pictures of, but I will make a valid attempt.

Added a screenshot of the Achievements system - Available in 0.2 onwards which will be released tomarrow! The textdraw disappears after five seconds, and can be easily adjusted. I'm also now taking suggestions for more achievements! Right now i've got the following:

Heavy Weapons Specialist - Kill players using the "Heavy" Gunner class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Up Close and Personal - Kill players using the "Light patrol" class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Medicial Brutality - Kill players using the "medic" class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Players Healed - Heal players using the "Medic" class;
Rank 1: Heal 10 Players
Rank 2: Heal 20 Players
Rank 3: Heal 30 Players
Rank 4: Heal 40 Players
Rank 5: Heal 50 Players

Nice gamemode, Can you make a video for us?

Originally Posted by spazman2c
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Nice gamemode, Can you make a video for us?
I very well can, what would you like in such a video? Because unfortunately I cannot port-forward, so I couldn't show you any achievements or anything.. Unless you just want me to create a test command that shows textdraws, which i've provided a screenshot in the main post with a screenshot of tomarrow's update, and once I create something else worthwhile, I will update it with another screenshot aswell. I could really use some more ideas - I've got a couple, but they're only going to take a small amount of time to complete.

Script Update!

- Fixed the "medic" class;

- Added an achievements system, Achievements:
Heavy Weapons Specialist - Kill players using the "Heavy" Gunner class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Up Close and Personal - Kill players using the "Light patrol" class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Medicial Brutality - Kill players using the "medic" class;
Rank 1: 10 Kills
Rank 2: 20 Kills
Rank 3: 30 Kills
Rank 4: 40 Kills
Rank 5: 50 Kills

Players Healed - Heal players using the "Medic" class;
Rank 1: Heal 10 Players
Rank 2: Heal 20 Players
Rank 3: Heal 30 Players
Rank 4: Heal 40 Players
Rank 5: Heal 50 Players

- Added an event system (/createevent, /startevent, /join)

- Added the basis of an anticheat - SCAR Anti Cheat (/checkhp)

- Added a SCAR Textdraw to discourage hackers from hacking.
This may not seem like a big update, but it's huge! It took me nearly four hours, and could very well be the beginning of a great project. Keep the comments coming, please. Any ideas are welcome!

Starting to add more to the SCAR Anti Cheat, any suggestions for anti-cheat features? As of now, i've got /checkhp, and /checkar, which set their health/ armour +1 / -1 and if the value differs, it lets you know they're not cheating - if it stays the same, it lets you know they are possibly cheating; Not 100 percent accurate, but it works.

Great for very first gamemode, don't give up.

Originally Posted by freshOrange
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Great for very first gamemode, don't give up.
Don't plan on it, and I also plan on updating this script until I can't think of things to add anymore! Thank you for the comment, though!

Lovely Work man.
You deserve a ...... +rep.

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