how to map

Not sure where this needs to be but i need to put a few basic objects into my server. All i know is i need to use mta map editor. Could someone direct me into a tutorial or tell me how to do this?? i dont even know how to get mta map editor;does it come up in the mta menu or..?

well bro .. map editor already come with the MTA! just open it and press on map editor it will take u to free mapp and there u can do any thing u want.

and for more help this video was my helper, i learnet mapp from it [ame=""]How To Mapp Using MTA[/ame]

And If U need Any Help U Can Contant Me > k_reallove_z[AT] i have no prob to help ya any time

1. Download MTA here.
2. Install it.
3. Open it.
4. Click on the "Map Editor".
5. Watch the tutorial, or skip it.
6. Find a location where do you want to start building map.
5. Click on "Objects" box, find an object you wanna use.
6. Move the objects using arrow keys, shift + arrow keys = move objects faster
7. Rotate objects, using CTRL + Arrow keys or CTRL + Page up & Page Down
8. When you finish with the objects, save the map. (It's in the upper boxes menu)
9. Your map is now located in MTA Directory/server/mods/deathmatch/resources/MAP NAME FOLDER/Here is the .map file.
10. Now open it using text editor and copy everything what's in it.
11. Go to and paste the code you copied here.Click "convert".
12. Wait a bit. The code should show up.Select it all and copy it.
13. Paste the objects code under "OnGameModeInIt" in your gamemode or filterscript.

Hope that helped.

NOTE: I copied and edited that a bit from other forum, yea I posted it there as well.

Wow, this is EPIC!

I would do a LMGTFY joke now but I am way too lazy.

Yeah, if you downloaded the latest version of MTA in the main menu there is "MAP EDITOR". Click it and if it is the first time you are using it, a tutorial will pop up.

thanks all ive mapped for single player just never for samp.

edit:great it looks so easy *clicks map editor* it says loading local server for about 30seconds then mta crashes

how to map for Singleplayer ?

You need to add custom ide files or something. This is also a good tool to map for mapping -

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