Question (hope i dnt get banned) :)

hi i was wondering if im allowed to advertise me hosting servers (any kind) because i dnt want 2 do a whole post then get banned so am i allowed 2 advertise hosting because i seen another person do it
pls answer

It doesn't appear to be against the rules as long as you find the appropriate board to post your advertisement inside. I would recommend adding something in your signature, this way people will see your services when they see your post.
#3 you know exactly where 2 post it or just post it in this section

by the rules.... you know what? here is a copy from the rules ::
  • No referral linking! Its fine to link to a website which contains something on-topic or something that interests you but not where you gain anything from the referral of people clicking it.
  • Do not advertise!
well search and read where you can advertise it...
or just ask 1 of the beta testers/admins here...
like RealCop228 has saied i suggest you to put the advertise in your signature....

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