[GameMode] Los Santos Cops n Robbers - From Scratch

Why so many CNR edits? Its liked all released CNR gamemodes are a BMUK lvrcr edit..

Really if you can code pawn while understanding what you are doing, you should be able to script a 2 team TDM(Grove vs Ballas), and a CNR is basically a 2 team TDM just 3 times the size/more work(Cops vs Robbers) with robberys. As soon as i made my first TDM i realised i could make a CNR the same way..Just trying to modivate people to open "new.pwn" scripts before even thinking of release them.

But good job changing citys. +1

why isnt there any script file? where does the playerfile go so i can make admin? where is the file for houses?
plz reply :P

Theres no /ban, /kick cmd and /infect ...

Originally Posted by Sensitive
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Theres no /ban, /kick cmd and /infect ...
What? Type /adcmds in game, that'll explain everything. But just to prove to you:
cmd(adkick, playerid, params[])
	new ID; new pname[24]; new string[120]; new opname[24]; new reason;
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminLevel") == 0) return 0;
	if(sscanf(params, "uz", ID, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Usage: /adkick (ID) (reason)");
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Invalid ID.");
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pname,24); GetPlayerName(ID, opname, 24);
	format(string, 120, "[ADMIN KICK] %s(%d) %s", opname, ID, reason);
	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN, string);
	IRC_Say(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string);
	format(string, 120, "[ADMIN ACTION] Admin %s(%d) has kicked %s(%d) %s", pname, playerid, opname, ID, reason);
	return 1;
cmd(adban, playerid, params[])
    new ID; new pname[24]; new string[120]; new opname[24]; new reason;
	if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminLevel") == 0) return 0;
	if(sscanf(params, "uz", ID, reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Usage: /adban (ID) (reason)");
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(ID)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Invalid ID.");
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pname,24); GetPlayerName(ID, opname, 24);
	format(string, 120, "[ADMIN BAN] %s(%d) %s", opname, ID, reason);
	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMIN, string);
	IRC_Say(gGroupID, IRC_CHANNEL, string);
	format(string, 120, "[ADMIN ACTION] Admin %s(%d) has banned %s(%d) %s", pname, playerid, opname, ID, reason);
	SendClientMessage(ID, COLOR_RED, "You have been Admin Banned. If you wish to appeal this ban, go to our website.");
	SendClientMessage(ID, COLOR_RED, "Please note that Hackers do not get unbanned.");
	format(string, 120, "Banned by %s for the reason of: %s", pname, reason);
	BanEx(ID, string);
	return 1;
It's all there. ALL Of it. Don't say you can't use it. It's there. Fully tested.

And, @GodHimself: I made this thing from scratch. I didn't copy/paste code into it. I made it from Scratch.. using parts of Stevo127's SFCRRPG script as a guide, since it was my first script of such magnitude. Not once did I copy/paste code, or copy it directly.

Mariosv: Look at the previous posts. I answered the "HOW TO MAKE SOMEONE ADMIN" thing. Just edit the player file: "AdminLevel=0" to "AdminLevel=1337" When you login/register, it creates a file named (PLAYERNAME).dudb.sav

Open that in notepad. Edit the lines. Simple.

Make sure you have a "Scriptfiles" folder. If you don't, I don't think it'll save.

And thanks guys, didn't think this was that good. I know there's a few bugs, but since I started school back, I'll work on them when I get the time. Continue having fun with it, expect an update soon.. if I get around to it.

The house system sucks, try to make a new one.

Originally Posted by svaba
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The house system sucks, try to make a new one.
Mind telling me what part of it sucks? I do plan on changing a lot of it, since the Checkpoints can have a larger range, as I only did it to a 15 unit range. If you're gonna critique my work, at least tell me what's wrong with it. If anything, tell me what you expect in a house system.

LoL i love it man cool im hosting it with my friends and we changed the whole thing me and my friends changed all the commands to

/cmds for normal players
/Kill /anim /chute /ciggy /re-class /taxi /limo /ad /me /admins /mods /cops /bannedplayers(shows u the list of banned players)
admin commands /admincommands
/ban (days)(id)(reason)
/kick (id)(reason)
/kickall (reason)
/addadmin (full name)(id)(reason)
/addmod (full name)(id)(reason)
/setlevel (id)(reason)
/freezeall (reason)
/jail (full name)(id)(reason)
/unjail (full name(id)(reason)
/unmute (full name)(id)
/goto (id)
/get (id)
/announce (message)
/tpcar (car id )

added some menus and car owning system also added 2.456. vehicles and i have 400/slots open im hosting it so lol
anyways i added carmenu
i added mission menu and plane hunting
also missions for cops in game only for army
also missions for robbers they can rob a gun station its very helpful they can get only M4 uzi rocket launcher 9.mm Shotgun Sniper and 200.000$ and its the best robbery
also added some new classes as :
Drug Dealer
Army Pilot(50 score required)
Delivery boy
Gun Dealer
Clothes dealer
Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control
Arny Member
Car Jacker
Street vendor

also added 4.000 houses alot of players are joining i created a website for my server i cant say where i bough it
also i got a new hoster and now im not the hoster oof im now relaxing and also you can get:

The lotto
CarSell money
Car Crane
Also added Planes Crane Helicopter Crane
Boat Crane
hope you like it im not uploading the script oh about the scipt i added 18k more lines lol alot of work

The main purpose of this script is to give the person getting the script the option of personalizing it, since not many scripts allow that. Glad to see the core script is being used somewhere.

Hello Karagon,

I am going to create a server with your GameMode and I noticed that commands are missing: ' (

/robskill (etc..)

Good work! You are going to make a new version with icons on the map and command which misses?
Sorry for my english , i am french

Originally Posted by Baba_oweo
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Hello Karagon,

I am going to create a server with your GameMode and I noticed that commands are missing: ' (

/robskill (etc..)

Good work! You are going to make a new version with icons on the map and command which misses?
Sorry for my english , i am french
That's a big ass bump lmao. I nearly forgot about this script, lol

K, the new version was supposed to come out during Thanksgiving break, but I was working on Java and didn't have time. I'll probably do it by Christmas when ever I get time.

Those commands, /pc and /rules, you add yourself. I didn't make those for a good reason. Why make those and then have rules that the possible server 'owner' won't like? He can make it himself since he's using the script. Same with /pc, but I'll add that to the list of things to do. For /robskill, I never thought of that for some reason. I'll also add that to the list of things to do.

Finally, do me a favor. Do not come to our forums and contact me. Just leave it here....... so everyone else can see!!

Any chance you tell me how to remove those houses,or you can remove them and upload?

how to set someone admin

(example /setadminlevel 0 3)

login rcon

and /setlevel 0 3
/setadminlevel 0 3

try that

This script is not recommended for download and run servers.

Originally Posted by [Cali]ChrOnic
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how to set someone admin

(example /setadminlevel 0 3)
Have them exit the game, edit the player file, putting "AdminLevel=" as "AdminLevel=1337" or something of the similar, I can't remember what it is D:

And @Skavanovski: Why you say this isn't recommended for download and run servers? I don't mind if you don't recommend it, I would just like to know why.

ah well if someone would help me it would be good...

So many commands! Good job!

Great job

looks good

Only current problem are houses u put in?Any chance someone can tell me how to remove them?

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