LA:RP houses problem

I had this problem since I started editing a script based on LA:RP so here it is:

Well, I wanted to create another houses for the server, got the coordinates, and made 'em into the file property.cfg. But when I launched the server, the houses were working well, but I could find them also in the sky or on some random locations...
Look, some of them are loading properly, but some are getting changed on the Float:X at the house's entrance:

This one is loaded well:

2451.892089,-1641.619506,13.735696,225.903900,1239.935302,1082.140625,0,0,0,0,0,0,Statul,Grove Street Casa,50000,0,0,2,1,0,1,2000,1,0,418,-1,-1,154,3,0
But this one's Float:X is renamed as 0.0000:

0.000000,-1641.619506,13.735696,225.903900,1239.935302,1082.140625,0,0,0,0,0,0,Statul,Grove Street Casa,50000,0,0,2,1,0,1,2000,1,0,418,-1,-1,154,3,1
Why it got renamed automaticly?

[B]Look it up at OnPropUpdate, and see how it gets saved, if the save is set to anything else then (%f) it will automaticly get set to 0.00000. I also reccomend you to use (.ini) because (.cfg) isn't that great..


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